Anyone here speak ECHO??

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Jan 24, 2006
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SE Pennsylvania
Subject: Echo CS-302

Problem: Spent the last three hours trying to get the auto oiler working.

Your mission(should you choose to accept): Help me figure out how to set the oiler adjustment correctly.

Ok, Got me a lil tiny Echo CS-302(30cc) That is like new inside and out. With 1/4" chain this lil ripper goes through wood so quick its unbelieveable. But the oiler would not work.

So I dissasembled and cleaned the entire oil system and replaced the oiler "O"rings witch were melted into goo from coming in contact with the crank fumes/raw mix for so long. Its a plunger type pump and sits inside the crancase.

Reassembled the whole thing and still no oil. Just to double check everything I screwed a hose into the oil cap hole and blew through it to pressurize the oil tank and mabye prime the pump some and I couldnt get any oil to flow at all.

At this point I KNOW everything is clean and functioning well and the adjuster screw is all the way in, it should at least pass oil under pressure.

Messed with the screw and discovered that having it screwed All the way in blocks off the oil ports and it ofcourse cant pump.

So I have it pumping oil now:clap: but I dont know or have any reference as to how far to screw in the pump as to have the full range of adjustment from the pump. Too far in and it wont pump. Too far out and it pumps oil all over the top of the saw.:bang:

Anyone know the proper way to set it? Anyone have a manual from any of the older CS series saws?

Any help greatly appreciated.

Maybe you could try setting the oil flow by watching the flow out the oiler hole with the bar plates and cover removed?

I do it that way sometimes.
This is the only info I came across.
When installing pump body, screw body in until lightly seated then run saw at medium speed and unscrew pump body about 1/2 to 1 turn until max oil output is obtained. Mark pump body for future reference, then install adjusting knob so it is against stop for max oil output and must be turned counterclockwise to decrease oil output.
Here is operators manual.
Lightly seat the pump and back it of about 3/4 to 1 turn. Set the adjustment knob on so that this is the maximum position.
Good answers guys, Thanks to all.

retoocs555, This is what I do/did also but it wasnt working for me today.

Bug, thats how I like them.:)

Tomorrow Ill try the adjustment posted by Ray and Grande and see how it goes. I was all around this area as it was a guestamate of what the oriognal setting was(someone had been in here allready) but with no luck and like I mentioned I couldnt force oil through with these settings but now something has dawned on me.

If I had the setting correct (or there abouts) in the first place but had an airlock in the pump, it probably wouldnt pump. Im thinking the piston was on the cam lobe blocking oil flow when I had it under pressure until I backed the pump way off. Once I backed it off and oil was forced through under pressure it could now pump but is set improperly as Im only barely getting a trickle at WOT. Mabye 10-15 drops per minute.

Illtry again tomorrow.
I couldn't find any dope on how to adjust mine either (400evl same pump I think) Mine ended up pumping max oil about one turn from clear in like the big dog said. I set it by eye ball watching the oil flow with the bar off. All of my echos will throw lots of bar oil, like maybe twice what I normaly have them set to. On the elderly Echos like mine the recomended bar oil is 30wt not the goo sold for bar oil most places? Could that be part of your problem?
Butch(OH) said:
I set it by eye ball watching the oil flow with the bar off.

On the elderly Echos like mine the recomended bar oil is 30wt not the goo sold for bar oil most places? Could that be part of your problem?

Roger Butch!

I do all of my oiler testing with 30wt oil. They actually recommend 10wt for cold weather. Im going to hopefully finish this up today.

Ill post some pics of the lil bugger when I get it cleaned up.
Success !! She oils fine now, Thanks guys.

Heres some pics....

Havin a beer.


The other side.



How small you ask?


Mating with the 925.


They make a cute pair doncha think?

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