anyone know about Stihl bg56's: limiter caps or cat muff?

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Makita Freak!
Oct 22, 2010
Reaction score
First off I think AS needs another "Small Equipment" forum thread for stuff like this if there is a MOD reading this!!!

My dad just got a new BG-56 and I am wondering if I need to pull limiter caps and hog the muffler out? He's got a 2 year warrenty on it... But he's rather unimpressed by the power. I told him I could probably do some carb tuning and open the muffler up. That being said I'm wondering...

1.) do bg56's have limiter caps
2.) is the muffler a cat muffler
3.) If yes to the above, does anyone have a spare muff and carb for this thing?

Looking for advice from anyone who's broke these things open...
They do have limiter caps and no it's not a cat muffler. Check the exhaust screen and fuel. Keep in mind these blowers need a minute to warm up to get up to full performance. If everything is working properly and he's still not happy, then get a BG 86.
Once you pull the caps and open the muffler, your warranty is gone.

You might need to adjust the H on it which could be done with the caps on. Usually they are set on the low end of the cap.
i'll try tuning with the caps on. Anyone got the rpms to set with a tach?

What's the carb model numbers for the bg56? I have several spare carbs that might work without limiter caps... I don't like stock equipment from stihl or anyone. It's almost always choaked at the muff and to lean at the carb...

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