anyone tryed the pro series versatile?

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Sure, the name isn't as cute as 'Butterfly', but the ArborMaster series of saddles are quality and you should be able to get more than your money's worth out of it. If you're willing to spend the extra money then go for the B-Fly. I only know one person using this saddle, but he raves about it.
I have the pro master versatile. I would say that for the rave reviews that I hear on the Butterfly, give that a shot. It should be cheaper than buying a new buckingham. I think I spent about $280 for the versatile w/ leg straps and the bosun seat would make the saddle cost a bit over $300. A new Butterfly costs about $250?
Also check out the Blair line from Sierra Moreno.

This is why many people waite till the can check saddles out at trade shows. We're all different, and waht some like others will hate.

I'm still looking forr a good saddle with integal suspenders that does not bite the soft tissue. I've seen a B'amm modle that looks good and Don Blair said he would have one made for me.
i really don't get all this hype about the Bfly..........i hate that i have to step though it like a pair of pants. the elastic leg straps keep slipping out. the d rings lock too far forward. the leg straps are not comfortable.

it is a well made saddle, super light, nice hardware. i have a bosum seat set up from the lower half of a pinnacle saddle on order. i'm going to try and marry it to the Bfly. i'm kicking myself for not just ordering another pinnacle.
A lot of your concerns can be tweeked out of that saddle. One of the reasons so many love it-easily modified.

If you come to the TCI I'm sure there are people that can help you
I have climbed on Buckingham saddles for years, first the Pinnacle, then the Versatile. Nice saddles, but they had several design flaws, some of which have been addressed with the new models. The Pro Series adds in a third adjustment, which might be nice. But I've heard of some problem, I don't recall what. As well, the price is pretty steep.

Three of us just got Butterfly saddles, and have no complaints with the fit. Our packages, however ample, are doing fine. Very well designed product. And, as many of you know, B'ham ripped off the Komet Evolution design with their bosun chair series.
I'm hearing some buzz regarding a new B'ham saddle coming soon to a store near you... supposed to be like nothing else and be the bee's knees...working title mantis...anyone heard anything? sean?
Hi Folks,
Hershey didn't invent chocolate, Sherrill didn't invent the sling shot and Komet (a division of French mega-giant Bacou-Dalloz) didn't invent the bosun seat. All of these companies simply improved-upon previous innovations.

I can't speak for the 2-ring friction saver, but Buckingham's Pinnacle is no more a copy of the Evolution, than the Evolution was of America's first tree saddle. There's clearly enough difference in the two to be comparing a Chevy to a Fiat (notice I didn't use the Cadillac). Admittedly there seems to be a surge in creativity abroad, but that too will likely change with the next strong wind.

As for the buzz regarding a new B'ham knee waxer, it's true. A fifth addition to the ArborMaster line-up is nearing release. And yes, the product features similarities to "another" innovative design, but rest assured that this one meets or exceeds all requirements set forth by American (ANSI, ASTM, etc.) as well as European (CE) standards for suspension and positioning. In addition, it has more adjustment versatility in the legs and pelvic area, has more storage space for hardware, is significantly tougher built, can be fitted with suspenders and has Buckingham's (often under-rated) rescue/belay loop in back pad for safety training and emergencies. No doubt the naysayers on this side of the ocean will proceed to chop down American ingenuity while many foreigner will be applauding another feat of free world progress. I will applaud this pro-active manufacturer, willing to pay our little industry the attention it deserves.

I suggest that anyone actively shopping a new saddle, visit (their choice of vendors at) the Tree Care Industry Show in Baltimore, USA. Thanks to all for "keeping it positive." This note was not intended to offend those critical of Buckingham but to keep the record straight for just discussion. Take care.
We have about 12 climbers, almost all of them love the Bucks, with the bunson seat. We have all of the. I personally have never found a harness that meets my needs but the butterfly is the closest. This new harness from Buck sounds exciting.
Welcome the the site (in person that is) Tobe.

Thanks for the support you have given us. And for that cool catalog with teh awsome illustrations ;)
anyone tryed the pro series versatile ?

well gentileman the descision has been made, pro series versatile w/legstraps will be my 1st saddle. its got all i was looking for comfort ,quality, and for the most part good reviews from people who have had buckinghams as well as other saddles. like I said I sat in a master saddle which i believe is now the master 2 and i loved it. It will have the HDPe rollers and I hope it was worth the price. I think it will be. Thanks to all who gave their opinions as I'm sure I will be looking for them again. I do wish I had time to wait till TCI to buy but I dont. Hopefully I can make the show, Im sure there is alot I can learn there. PS: Tobe Thanks for the web site support I needed to help with my desicion and thanks for making your 1st post a reply to mine. PSS: send my saddle soon please.!!Being a newbe to the tree care industry its an honor to have the help from all the expereinced people who post here. Thanks to all. Rdooms::)