anyone using this new "ice" prusik cover?

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ArboristSite Member
Jul 20, 2003
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i hear it's supposed to be unmeltable and you just stuff it with the core of the appropriate size - i guess you need to whip and/or stitch the two together? anyone?
I tried it out a few months ago. It didn't really work well. It has potential, but there are still some major problems. The ice comes in two sizes, and you fill it. The small size supposedly will make a 5/16ths or 3/8ths line (and maybe one size bigger, I can't remember). I was told I could stuff it with 1/4" line, which with the new cover, should come out to about 5/16ths or 3/8ths, which would be perfect for a friction hitch. It was too loose and squishy. The rope is braided for a larger size. If filled with maybe a 3/8ths core, it would be the proper firmness (similar to NERopes Sta-Set, which is quite popular for friction hitches), but the size would be at or over 7/16ths, which is too big for my taste.

In Ice's defense, I DID use it regardless of the squishyness. I had an eye spliced on each end. I was able to do super fast 50' descents on it and have it unaffected by the heat buildup.

Good stuff, but it was designed for another purpose and doesn't quite do what I think it should for our purposes. I am interested to see "who" comes up with the perfect friction hitch cord. Some have told me that it doesn't exist, as there is such a wide variety of climbers and climbing styles out there. I refuse to admit that THE perfect cord does not exist. I will let you know when I find it!

thanks nick! i think i'll head on down to the marine supply joint and do some experimenting. i roasted a brand new spliced ultratech cord last night at the park - 2nd time out! geez, that was a quick $30. now i know its limits though - no more landing station practice on that stuff..
Look at Blue Water rescue I've been on the same section for several months now and it is holding up fine. It's a kernmantle and I used fisherman knots to hold the ends. As i stated in another thread, it's several times more expencive then polly DB, but it wears much better.

It is NFPA rated for rescue, but may not pass competition inspection due to it not being manufacturer aproved for the purpose.

One of these days Im going to give it to Sean gere to have it broke.

I hate how the single braids wear, and cannot do a good match with my splices
Might have been the breaking period, or our weight differance.

I like it having a little harder lay so it opens up faster when unloaded.

I'm still on the first section of the big hank I bought off you, so that's 2 tress cords in 12-13 months. Though i dont climb every day, thats an order of magnitude better then Stable Braid.
hey, thanks dude. back when i was workiing for someone else and handing out deposit slips for my checking acct. when someone asked for a card (moonlighting) because my name and # were printed on them, i bought 50 cards out of a machine at a mall. i asked a literary friend what i should call my make-believe company and she said "out on a limb". careful what you wish for...
Is that same stuff I sold you Brian? I still about 100 feet of that and just gave Jack a few feet of it and he loves it. It doesn't burn but it sure gets hot and burns the hands. I haven't played with it enough but been thinking of getting some out again.
Kathy, give me a call...

I use 3/8 PSRopes double braid, as do all my climbers....many others here, including Marc Chisholm, use similar stuff, or 5/16. I have a bunch, and will give you enough for 2-3 cords...... as well as turn you on to Ben at Dantrawl, my rope supplier. It works great, and who cares about burning it, at 20-25 cents a foot. I find this stuff doesnt burn much anyhow, perhaps as it is a tad bigger...I really like the size....It works equally well with a 4 wrap 3 braid,. 3x3, and 3x2.
Originally posted by BigJohn
Is that same stuff I sold you Brian? I still about 100 feet of that and just gave Jack a few feet of it and he loves it. It doesn't burn but it sure gets hot and burns the hands. I haven't played with it enough but been thinking of getting some out again.

Ya, it was stiff which was OK, yet it also has a hardness that went away after a series of breakin climbs and burns. Getting down real fast with it and trying to burn it it seems to break it in. Don't know if what I'm saying is clear.


Originally posted by rbtree
Kathy, give me a call...

I It works great, and who cares about burning it, at 20-25 cents a foot. I find this stuff doesnt burn much anyhow, perhaps as it is a tad bigger...]

It leaves residue on the climbing line, which I like to avoid.

The kevlar line will get hot, but it dissipates pretty quick