Do for self
New Member
Need (have) to move a magnolia tree about 5 feet tall. Totally in wrong place. If it lives will be a plus for wife but if it dies maybe not for me. How is best way to go about this job.
Rent a small excavator and dig as big as you can. After move treat with root therapy solution. Becareful not to damage trunk when lifting and moving. Wouldn't be bad idea to lift root ball up from underneath
Call a tree farm and see how much they would charge to come out with a tree spade and move it for you.
start with a shovel about 5 feet out dig a trench bout 2 1/2 3 feet deep continue to dig the bottom part of the ball under the tree keep making ball smaller ( i use a flat edging spade sharpened) and going under untill it is about 3 feet wide 2 deep with just a little dirt under keeping it in. Lean ur weight and pop er lose. B&B the tree in the hole, then lean to one side fill dirt in, back tothe other side fill more in repeat till tree is ground level roll or drag plywood and a machine! to desired spot or trailer. Dig hole plant tree
when diging the ball becarful to not dig towards the tree not to damage the ball. Make sure all roots that need cut be cleaned up with hand pruners to make a clean cut
o yea waters good too
Illcome and do it for 3 round trip tickets to NC! and beer of course