FYI, According to the ISA web site, soon everyone that wants an arborist cert can just get their entire crew of hacks together, with an arborist study guide and take the test online.
I think you're jumping the gun here. If the ISA does this online certification properly, it will be nothing like that at all.
It would still be closed book, no reference materials, no talking, no cell phones or PDAs, no unsupervised "bathroom breaks", etc. The biggest difference is that the "Proctor" or test supervisor won't necessarily be an ISA rep or even know thing one about arboriculture, they'll be just that, a proctor.
There are all sorts of Adult Continuing Education centres out there now that can offer this service for secured online testing, they take this aspect of their business seriously, and I think it's smart of the ISA to take advantage of this. Using a pencil to fill in little circles on a "bubble sheet" goes back to the days of bell-bottom pants and 8-track players.
No more waiting to assemble a large enough class to make renting a room and getting an ISA rep onsite feasible, the testee can arrange for local travel on a day that suits him or her, test results on the spot, that all sound good to me.
It also means that the ISA is listening to it's membership, as I'm sure I'm not the only one who has e-mailed the ISA to suggest this 21rst century approach to certification testing. When I took my exam I lost a travel day, a tank of fuel and the cost of an over-night stay in a fleabag motel. Whatever other issues I may have with the ISA, this
if done properly is an excellent step forward.