Arborists with asthma

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ArboristSite Operative
Oct 8, 2004
Reaction score
Boulder, Colo
Anybody else out there have asthma? Ususally for me it's a non issue, just something that needs to be managed. However, the other day I had to shovel some cottonwood chips that had sat for about 2 weeks. It was all moldy and it really got my lungs messed up for a few days :( , clearing up now though. Next time I'll wear a dust mask!

When things get bad and the medecation doesn't help all I can really do is take a hot shower and drink coffee or tea.

Anybody with any simmilar experiences? Remedies?
I have asthma. It was nasty when I was a kid ( was allergic to cat hair household dust etc.) but now I only know of 2 things that will cause an attack for me. Fresh Guava or Passionfruit or their juices.-Pretty easy to avoid.:)
I don't have asthma, but when we were on a sycamore removal kick, I sure felt like I did. I don't know if would help you, but I always rubbed some vicks inside my dust mask, helped to keep things clear.

Another thing, I'd drink decaf or herbal tea, caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, and probably really dosen't help the situation, though I'm sure the warmth is soothing.
That's interesting about the caffine. I'll have to look into that because I've always been under the impression that caffine has a simmilar effect to albuterol, thus helping the situation....I may have been agrivating the situation if your right.

I know that certain kinds of saw dust are toxic, does anybody know what species of trees to be careful with?
Ya know, upon furthur thought, the stimulant effect of caffeine could make it a bronchiodialtor....heck, i don't know for sure... You might want to ask a Doc.
I wouldn't be saying that aloud or be admitting to that. I have asthma. It is and isn't really a big problem. I guess I have gotten used to it being a part of my day. I don't smoke but I am allergic to like everything. I have a distinctive cough in morning.

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