aspiring tree climber

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New Member
Apr 20, 2010
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my name is tanner and i currently work for a tree company that i would not like to name. i have been working there for a year now and have been wanting to take over my fathers business which is done on weekends only. i would like to be able to do the things he does but sooner. i want to be good quit and would like some pointers from experienced climbers. i would like to know how to be fast but safe and to excel at the job i'm at now.
speed isnt necisarily about how fast you move or how fast you cut a tree. i would use the term efficiently more. when you cut a tree efficiently you can remove lager pieces using rigging like porta wraps grcs systems. using pulleys and ropes to redirect your work making it easier for ground crew to clean up all adds up in the end. when i learned how to rig trees using pullies redirects and other tools thats when they started getting on the ground SAFELY! and fast because it becomes repetitve you get in a rythm with you and your ground crew and it just goes smooth nothing gets broke nobody gets hurt. i put a pulley and a portawrap on just about everytree its easy on the body and the crew when your not trying to fight limbs or logs. plus the ground is always left in near perfect condition when you leave.

i guess what im saying is learn how to use the tools of the trade to make your life easy it it will all come with practice.