i'm just starting out, and am doing it for recreation. basically climbing rope at this stage, not interacting with the tree.
i'll be using the split-tail system, minus the pulley (i'll add it when REI gets some next week) Check out some of AS sponsor's, Sherrill has a 110% price gaurantee.
i'll just be footlocking up there, my friction hitch is a Prussik. the plan was to do that on the way up, let the hitch grab so i'm hanging, then hook up the figure-8 and descend. Have you tried the foot loop method? I have a hard time footlocking so I usually use a prussik or mechanical ascender but whatever works best for you. My opinion on the figure 8 and the way you are using it is go for it. Rappels under 100' and with the rope you have (not stiff lay) won't give you much trouble, especially if the running end is hanging free and not draped over branches. You might have some trouble transfering your weight to the figure 8 from the prussik. Might have to make a foot loop above your prussik so that you can release the tension on your climbing prussik. (does that make sense?)
i'm climbing approximately 30ft until i feel more comfortable with the setup.
i was assuming the ATC would work as well on static, it may not. the trueblue is 1/2" so it's out of the question anyway.
i have not actually USED the friction hitch yet. i know it grabs well going up, but don't have any experience slowly letting it go to descend. my 'Tree Climber's Companion' says not to use just a friction hitch for descent. Long descents will burn the hitch so you are right, the biggest thing that is nice about friction hitches like Blake's is that you can release them without taking weight off of them (transferring your weight to the figure 8) and adjust your position with less work. Do you know anybody that can actually give you hands on experience? If not, read all you can, not just the companion (good book, more for reminding you in the field than basing all your knowledge on) but one on one instruction is the best by far.
thanks for any and all help!