Beginning Tree climbing

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ArboristSite Operative
Mar 21, 2002
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I've read some of things ya'll have posted on this site. I'm 25 yrs old, and I'm just starting out in the business. The guy I talked to said it would be no problem to train me to climb. Any ideas on what a man would need (equipment wise) to get started??
basic kit

I'd say you'll want your own personal safety harness/saddle & learn to treat it extremely well...its your life. I'd also suggest your own lanyards & a few carabiners as worth it. Eventually you'll need more stuff, like rope :) and other bits but if his rope & gear is in good shape you can learn on it & then see what works for you, what you like or hate. There are many options & styles so be flexible. Learn to respect all this gear & care for it...if it fails your'e hurtin fur certain. I recommend a saddle mainly because adjusting them to fit between different people is a hassle & it is your single most...intimate...piece of gear.
If you look under this forum (commercial tree care and climbing) and go to the bottom of the page, click on the little box to change the threads from "last 10 days" to "last 100 days" and take an hour or so to check through the several threads addressing just this issue. Several very good and informative threads, more info than I could possibly post here.
Good luck and stay SAFE!:angel:
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Yeah, if your boss has good gear, learn on his.

Some sturdy work clothes is all you realy need, that have room in the leggs to move around. Top climbers can get some real contortions going on trying to get a "good angle" on a cut.

When the southern chapter has it's competition and conferance, try to attend if just to watch and look at the gear availibel.

After a year or so, you may want to look for your own gear.
Start filling your shelves with reading material before you start to fill your bag with gear. The fist book you should by, and read, is The Tree Climber's Companion. Anyone who doesn't know everything in this book should stay on the ground. Its chepaer than any biner you'll ever buy and more likely to save your life and extend your working career.

Leaern from as many climbers as possible. If your instructor hasn't learned anything new in years, ther's no way that you're going to learn any modern skills.

Get a free subscription to Tree Care Industry magazine from the National Arborist Association:

Buy, and read, Don Blair's Arborist Equipment. Jerry Beranek's The General Fundamenals of Tree Work is another good text to won, and read.

I've talked with many arbos who own these books. But, when I ask them if they've read them the ususal reply is that they've reads parts or looked through the book. That is really hard for me to understand.

Buy a really good helmet with chin strap and wear it whenever you aren't in the truck or on break. Hard hats provide adequate protection but most helmets provide more. The helmet that I wear is made of Kevlar and has a nice shin strap. My noggins worth the extra coin, isn't yours?

Attending any workshop and competition should be mandatory. You expect your car mechanic, veterinarian andaccountatn to be current in their practice, why shouldn't our clients be able to expect the same from us?

Have fun! You're entering the best profession in the world.


I think you can see we all have a lot of favorites in common.

Mr. Sanborn, your number of posts is fast approaching my birth year.
A Large bottle of Asorbine Jr,A heating
pad and Someone to massage you the first few weeks! And leave your wallet in the glove box. I usually forget to take mine out and the saddle Rides it into my rump and it cramps. I usually remember at about 50' in the air. :blob2:
DDM mentioned the wallet thing. I remember my 1st crane removal, spent about 6 hours in a saddle. I ended up with a bruise from my wallet, sitting was difficult for a couple days. I realized that no cop was gonna pull me over and ask for I.D while I was in the tree, and there usually isn't any place to spend money while I'm aloft. :rolleyes: When it's time to put on my belt, all my pockets get emptied first. I have a small pocket on the side of my gear bag, wallet and keys go in there till I'm out of the tree.
And never leave your snuff can in your back pocket. A tip from the old days, pre-1983. This makes the wallet feel like a feather pillow to set on.

If you don't want to notice the pain from either, just go back to using the double bowline on a bight. That will make you forget all other aches and pains by the end of an 8 hour day.

Bob U.
Say no to wallets in the air!!

Many moons ago, at the end of a maple tree pruning job, I realized my wallet was awol. We searched the grounds unsuccessfully. I figgered it got chipped. (which happened to a coworker back in ~78!! he dug thru the chips, matching serial numbers!!!!, and recovered about 40 of 50 bucks!) About 45 days later, after I had replaced all the contents, and finished bemoaning the loss of the $50-60, the customer called: "Your wallet just fell out of the tree!!!!!!!!!)

.....too bad I'm a light drinker, I would have had a BIIIIG party with that moolah!!!

the Dodg on, garth.....
After John Mention of the Keys. One day last week i began a ascent at about 25'
one of the many keys on my ring turned sideways and jabbed me in the thigh
Lets just say OUCH !:( I had remembered to remove the wallet but had left the little torture devices in my pocket . Yesterday evening after working from the bucket all day i stopped to fill the truck up Got inside to pay opened up the wallet and made a nice pile of sawdust on the counter.I just do not understand My wallet will hold more dust than my Shirt pocket . :confused:
This is the first time you made a swadust donation?:D

I've had keys ut through my pants. I always were then on a belt look with a minni biner. those chevy keys are long!
no john, Just the first time i ever Dumped it out on the counter. I think every pair of pants i have has sawdust in them the washer just wont get it out.:D
Hmmmmmmmmmm sounds like that "You know you are an arborist when" thread of another time!

i carry wallet in front pocket for years; doesn't seem to bother anything; though usuall flatter than most!

Actually; i like leaving keys under seat; so in case their is an accident..............

But; i do keep forgetting to take spare biner(s) off belt loop; and they twist around and dig once trapped; then you need to work one out while hanging; and all my fly weight is trapping it in!:cry: