"Christmas tree saw"... OMG.. How big is the tree that you're gonna cut? Last year, for Christmas, the wife got the Stihl hand held pruning saw she'd asked for ( GTA26). We took that out for this years Christmas tree hunt. She found the one she wanted... it was well over 20 ft tall, and all she wanted the top 12 feet of it. I cut it about 4 ft up, and yeah, the saw was a tad slow, as the battery was at sub zero temps, but it went through no problem, I actually did a notch, and a felling cut.
. Trimmed off the 12 ft top we wanted, and we went home with it.
2511 for a Christmas tree saw.. Sir, you are a man after my own heart! I never would have thought of that as a way to justify the purchase of one.
" But Babe, it'd be perfect for Christmas trees!"... Nah.. I couldn't see that that'd fly..
Now, if you have anymore reasons that I could use to "need" a 2511... please post them, as you are way better than I am at thinking up reasons.. 
Merry Christmas.. keep safe.. and thanks for making laugh hard enough to ( almost ) spew coffee over the keyboard.