yes i understand the dangers associated with this, and the comments are understood since i know to many in the industry these are indeed very basic questions that seem obvious. this is just work around our own land primarily, not going into the business or anything here. alot of our tree trimming is usualy going up a ladder and cutting off the branch or two, and as many here have said before ladders are terrible work platforms which is why i almost never cut without being tied off to the tree first usualy with two lanyards just incase of a cut on one lanyard by the saw etc. now more recently i was wondering more about doing a bit more by rope, i have no problem asscending the rope with what i believe would be called double rope tecnique, one end to my harness and then up over a limb and back down to the accending knots, one on my harness and one on my foot. my question is once up in the tree is it acceptable to remain hanging in this same way from the rope if you were to stop say part way up the tree to go out a limb a bit to cut off a branch, or would it be better to tie something directly into the rope rather than relying on the prussic loop that you used to go up the rope. i know if you go very far out you should have a second tie off to prevent slamming back into the trunk oh and for those asking where in ct i was from, its northfield. thanks for all the help guys, and i appreciate the advice and criticism as well