I got a call from my daughters best friends mom. She had a very large boxelder in her back yard with two 12 inch sections broken and laying on her roof.Her husband just split,leaving her with 4 children.I told her $75.00 to clear off her roof and chip the brush.It looked like I had a good lead to rope the limbs to, till i started up the tree. Very unhealthy tree. I had to rethink my plan cause I was afraid the lead I planned on setting lowering rope in would not hold. Let alone I had to tie in low. The tree was one of the largest boxelders I have seen, and had 3 main sections.The tree was so soft up top,and a lot of deadwood, I decided to top the tree to some healthier leaders. So, in a nutshell, I wound up roping two 12 inch sections off her house,and topping the entire tree, chipped all the brush, and tossed the wood in a pile for her. She furnished the pizza and beer for us after the job was done.When we were done eating she asked me how much. I told her $40.00. $20 for me, and $20 for my brother who helped me that day. My brother would not accept the $20, but I did.I figured I would just recoup fuel costs for the day. This woman broke into tears and my bro and I got a great big hug and a thank you.