blue said:
We have all made mistakes when pricing work
but whats you biggest
.As in how much longer did it take than you thought.
I must have underpriced just about every job I did for the first 2 years of business. Doing quotes at night when you're knackered after a hard day's work is a common cause. You're pretty much bound to lose if you make a mistake, by forgetting to include a vital cost. If you overcharge you don't get the work, if you undercharge they snatch your hand off.
Most of my mistakes are a combination of underpricing plus unsuitable staff. One example was a hedgelaying job where we had to chip the waste with a hired in tractor/chipper. I underestimated that, so it ended up as a very hard days work for two grafters - except my employee at the time, who had never chipped before, was knackered after an hour, and spent most of the day getting in my way. We needed to hire the tractor for another day, extra cost of tractor = profits I would have made.
I've come unstuck on planting jobs, too. Lots of little errors add up. You quote for the job, then find that most other people tend to quote slightly higher. Plus the journey time is a lot longer than you thought, because of different traffic patterns in the morning cf. when you did the visit. Plus the best people you've got decide they don't like planting and clear off, and the rest can't do more than 100/day. Plus the access to the site you thought you had has changed, leading to more carrying of stuff etc. Then add in a few vehicle breakdowns. I did two of these in one season. I must have lost several hundred on each, and they dragged on for a couple of months, so no chance of taking on something profitable. At the end, the nursery we were working for, who had given us lots of work in the past, told me I was too slow and haven't spoken to me since,so I lost a major customer. Profits for that year £3,000 or thereabouts - didn't even cover the rent! Talk about anus horribilis!
One previous employer screwed up a big conifer hedge reduction. About 5 of us were driving from the middle of the county to one edge (1 hr drive), then taking the chips to his dump, which was on the opposite edge of the county. We weren't getting there until 9.30, and we'd filled up a freight rover and a 6 ton lorry with chip by around two. We'd all go off to tip, after which there wasn't enough time to go back and do any more. Five men over 2 weeks on that job, and I think he charged £1000 (about 5 years ago - I was getting £300 p w then, so he didn't even cover the wages!). Plus, one of the climbers got so stoned that he cut a section about 3 ft lower than it should have been! I don't know how he settled that - perhaps he gave the customer a discount...
But, there we go..we all do it. It pays to take extra time and care when you're planning and costing a job.