I looked into bill boards awhile back, very pricy. I suppose no worse than anything else. I have done some radio ads, didn't seem to generate anything. Best thing I have found is just doing my own flyer mailings. Note the services that do this salt their lists with about 15% garbage addresses. I do not attempt to use the bulk mailing option to many hoops to jump through. Back of the supermarket receipt didn't generate anything even with a coupon of % off. I am not a tree service so mileage will vary. Much as I hate to say it a 1/8-1/4 page in the phone book is ok, but their pricing for me doesn't begin to get covered by generated sales. That is the bottom line in my book that any ad has to be self supporting if it isn't it is just another pocket book drain, far to many of those already. Web sight is good, but there are so many pitfalls that again can suck the wallet dry I have been hesitant to invest in one. Even the diy systems are back loaded with to many add on costs. So one has to really spend a lot of time up front to get through all the hype down to the nitty gritty to get the true cost/mo. I have heard some good reports on flyer insert in local paper, the newspapers that are geared to a specific area, I am in a large metro area.