I apreciate all the advice man but this isnt really something i wanna do as a job just as a hobby and to possibly same me and my family some money so i guess ill just have to take it low and slow and teach myself i mean unless their is a class u can take or something im not like stupid or anything i mean ive been running a chainsaw for like 4 years and never messed up by no means am i trying to sound cocky at all im just saying i have some exsperience with cuts and kickback and stuff like that i know its a whole different ball game when u take it off the ground but if u know of any other way i could learn please do tell
This is a very scarey question to be reading.
I think others said it best when they suggested to seek advice from a professional in person.
Tree climbing is very dangerous and should not be done without the supervision of a professional.
Those who don't agree,are not the professionals I suggest you seek.
Would you ask someone online how to properly hook onto a bungee cord because you thought it would be fun recreation?
Likely you would try bungee jumping under the proper supervision of a qualified expert first at the very least.Perhaps,and more than likely you would several times while asking many questions and doing a lot of research first.
Learning how to tie a friction knot I'm afriad is simply not enough information for you to have a safe and enjoyable new hobby of climbing trees,let alone the vast amount of information required to safely operate a chain saw aloft nor all the rigging techniques that are required for tree removal.
Please consider hiring an Aborist for a day to go over some recreational climbing tips with you.I'm sure he'd like the change of pace and enjoy showing you the "ropes".
You may think it to be cheaper to try and climb trees to remove them for your family,however its very easy to die up there and can happen before you ever knew what you did wrong.
Please use the money you would on tree climbing gear and save it toward the cost of your families tree removals if you would like to help them out.
After all,what would you have saved them if you died in one of their tree's?
Many of us Arborists began working on the ground watching seasoned climbers for years,and were shown many things before the saddle and rope were ever handed over.Then many of us didn't just start out with a chain saw,but used only a hand saw for a period of months before that was brought into the picture.
Please reconsider your plans.
Please seek the guidance of a qualified professional before entering a tree.
Your life depends on it.