blown up 281xp husky

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ArboristSite Lurker
Jan 17, 2006
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I blew up my 281xp husky.I tore off the jug and cylinder honed it.The jug looks fine.How can I tell if the lower end is getting tired.I was told when the upper end goes,the saw is pretty much junk.Thanks for any help.I'm new to the rebuilding process on a chainsaw.Thanks...
Did any chips go through the bottom end? Or did the piston just scuff and seize? Normally the bottom end will last for more than one top end, if it has been well maintained. If the bearings are all tight, with no slop in the rod bearing and no excessive side clearance at the rod, you can likely put a new top end on it. But you will first want to determine why the top end seized. If you don't and the cause was an air leak (possibly a bad crank seal, or intake leak), your new top end will be toast in very short order. If the saw is generally in good shape and does what you want, rebuilding it is probably worth it, especially if you can do the work yourself.
The machine just seized up when I let off the throttle.The rod does slide back and forth on the crank.There has to be some slop there,right???
I was mixing the gas 32/1 which I figure was plenty of oil.The piston stuck to the cylinder wall.
67camaro said:
The machine just seized up when I let off the throttle.The rod does slide back and forth on the crank.There has to be some slop there,right???

I don't have alot of Husky experience, but I have seen zillions of Stihl cranks. yes, side to side is quite normal... The rod bearing can be quite worn and the saw will work just fine. I'm constantly amazed at how bad a concrete cutoff saw can be and still run - those cranks get eaten by dust real quick. What you really need to look closely at are the main bearings. Grab the flywheel in see is there is ANY side to side play. Same with the clutch side. You should be able to feel NONE. Rotate the crank. It should be very smooth with no gravel type feel or noise..
thanks for the help.I know how to fix the problem,but don't know exactually what to look for in the play{bearing}clearances.
67camaro said:
thanks for the help.I know how to fix the problem,but don't know exactually what to look for in the play{bearing}clearances.

If it moves from the flywheel or Clutch end, at all, it's bad, or getting there. You shouldn't be able to feel anything.
Thanks lakeside 53.I know what to look for now.I don't have a lot of money in the saw and was just considering fixing it.Thanks for the help!!!!