Bought a New Saddle

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May 23, 2002
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I just bought a Komet Butterfly from company XXXX inc. When it gets in, I will send in an old - new comparison with pics.

My current saddle is a butt strap that I liberated from my university forestry club many moons ago. It is an early 80's buttstrap that I have worn to the point that the keeper for the tail of the belt is gone and I have to worry about stepping on the strings hanging off of it. Strings like out of a ripped pair of jeans but a few feet long. This thing is old, worn and done. I just hate parting with things like that. I love old jeans, old caps, etc. I just figured I shouldn't do that anymore with something that holds my life.

End of an era. I should be happy about the new era maybe that will come in the box with the new gear.
I think he x'd it out himself. Let's test it... Fresco <--see, no x's.

If something gets x'd out, I thought it used the *, like if a profanity is used.

I'll test it again... holy ????!<-- Looks like it uses the question mark instead of the *

TREETX, if you x'd it out on our behalf, I appreciate it, but it's not necessary. I have no problem with other suppliers being named. Especially in this case, where it's a product that we don't sell (yet). Thanks.
Was it as bad as this one? I just replaced this belt last week, after 5 years or so. Still plenty of life left, but it was the rattiest piece of gear I have.
I was thinking about a newer style belt, but I intensely dislike the Buckinghams and heard too many negatives about the Komet- wears out quickly, needs lots of modifications, etc. I bought another KK, maybe I'll get a different type next time.
I've been climbing on my for at least 2.5 years. The only wear is the tiniest bit of scuffing on a trim piece. Nothing structural.

Unless you climb on a Butterfly you won't be able to see how nice a saddle it is.

All of the modifications are to make a good saddle great. How can modifying a saddle be a negative? How many of you have custom wheels on your pickups? Nicer seats than bare bones stock?


What is it about the Butterfly that is better than the Master II? If I knew more about it maybe I try one. I read that it is better but not specific details.

How about the locations for gear, saws, etc.? I use the same saddle for pruning and removals.
I've never climbed on a Master II. I did spend some time trying out the previous generation of B'ham saddles and didn't find any of them comfortable. At that time I was climbing with a Blair Ultra Light and couldn't see any reason to change. the UL is a great saddle.

You have to realize that if you make any changes to a saddle you're taking all responsibility for liability. Take off the Teflon clothing to make sure that the responsibility sticks to you :) Think through the mods and talk to others who might have made the mods before you.

Most climbers who are part of the Butterfly Cult remove the front yellow strap and replace it with a shorter strap of some kind. The yellow strap is so long that the climbing hitch and biners end up being high in the chest or right in the climber's face. Besides not liking the taste of aluminum and nylon I like climbing with a really short bridge, close to my saddle.

My current sliding bridge is made from a 12" 5/8" wide Spectra sling. It's attached to the aluminum loops with stainless steel bow shackles. I have another bow shackle on the sling. My tie-in biner is clipped to the shackle.

There are many other configurations in use. I know one climber who took the yellow webbing, cut the stiching and had a saddle shop resew in a shorter length. Unless you're really familiar with the BF you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

I've only read one referance to the BF being susceptible to wear. Two weeks ago at the MN TCC Mark Chisholm and I did the gear check for all of the BF Cult. Out of 27 climbers there were seven with BF saddles. Pretty high percentage. None of the saddles showed wear. The next day at the competition I saw plenty of other saddles that were scuffed but still serviceable. Someone made it through gear check with a non-leg strap saddle. When he came to the work climb I told him that he had to get another saddle. As a chapter, we stopped allowing suicide saddles several years ago. The climber works for a national company too.

Remember that if you make any changes to design the system with plenty of strength and a high safety factor.

Take a look at the saddle:

If you're going to be at TCI Expo you'll have a chance to climb with the BF at the Fresco booth. They're going to have a climbing structure. Also, some of the climbers at the demo tree will be in BF's so you can see our modifications. For the ultimate test, plan on staying around for the Saturday Climber's Picnic. This will be a chance to climb and "kick the tires" with other climbers. Bring your gear to Expo.


Tom, do you have a link for the next page? I can't download that massive flash junk in less than 10 minutes with dial-up. (I bypass the flash junk on your site too)
Just curious, has anyone out there climbed with a Ness Work Saddle. It looks very light and comfortable but very different.
I had one of those Miller's long ago. After a few climbs with the butt strap becomng a second waist strap I bought some Nylon webbing and sewed on leg straps. They weren't as convenient as the factory buckle straps I got on later saddles (had to step through and work them up my legs) but after that the Miller was fairly comfortable.
Hi Stumper,

I'm on my second New Tribework saddle. Either I'm real comfortable, or awful stupid. I'm kinda partial to the version that has the padded extension on the inside of the thigh area. Wonder why?

Their catalog, which is only available as a hardcopy, is a lot more detailed than the item description in the Sherrill catalog. Several other customization options, such as snap placement, toolbag additions, closure screwlinks, etc. are recommended.
I'd like to come to Milwaukee but it just isn't in this years budget.:(
P.S. thanks Oxman for responding about the saddle. Obviously you like it. Any special quirks?
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I X'ed the name just to show respect for whose house I am in. Sherrill does not carry this product. I don't go to a girlfriend's house and talk about the jugs on the hosehound down the street. It is a different product than what she offers so it is disrespectful. A poor analogy but it is the only one that came to mind.
I am impressed by sherrill's customer service and they are my first choice. I am somewhat concerned about their channelpartnerships and hope that this doesn't keep them from offering the widest range of products available. I am making assumptions though.

165 - My current saddle is like that but a few years older perhaps. Mine leaves nice red welts where the belt cuts in below my hips. The buttstrap part is fine. I let my help use it because I am getting him into climbing. Watching how much it cut into him and how worn it looks while in use made me wake up and get a new saddle.

The new stuff gets in on wed. I will keep you posted.
I think I'm still the only one that didn't like the Butterfly:alien: sold at a loss:(