ArboristSite Lurker
All manuals for motorcycles, outboards, cars, trucks, tractors, mowers I have seen...have instructions about break in periods in its manual. If the specified break in instructions are followed the results will be better performance and longer engine life.
But many of you say chainsaws don`t need break in at all. Its just to drive it like any saw when its new. So whats so differnet with a chainsaw from a mower f.ex?
someone pls explain in depth.
All manuals for motorcycles, outboards, cars, trucks, tractors, mowers I have seen...have instructions about break in periods in its manual. If the specified break in instructions are followed the results will be better performance and longer engine life.
But many of you say chainsaws don`t need break in at all. Its just to drive it like any saw when its new. So whats so differnet with a chainsaw from a mower f.ex?
someone pls explain in depth.