Carlton vs Oregon

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Tony Snyder

Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 8, 2002
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East Central Illinois (Marshall)
Had a guy come by today; he absolutely would no accept Carlton chain, which is about all I had.

He said "It jumps around and cuts rough". He does like Oregon.

This guy is an experienced logger of several years.

It is A2LM vs 73LG we are comparing here.

Is anyone selling both or using both where I can get some feedback on what others are experiencing on suc a comparison?
The only comment I've gotten on the Carlton is that it wears files a bit faster,( it may be a bit harder but seems to grind about the same) Never had any complaints on its cutting.
Are you sure your guy hasn't filed his rakers too low or too much angle on the cutter?
I sell about equal parts Oregon, Carlton, and Total. Very few negative comments on any brand, if someone comes in with a vibration problem it is usually caused by something they have done.
I'd have tried to sell him a loop of Carlton with a money back guarantee, tell him to go try it and if he's not happy bring it back.

I agree with Mack I believe that Carlton chain does wear out files a little faster but other than that I have been logging for about 6 years now and I do use both Carlton and Oregon chain and I like the way they both cut,I don't think that the Carlton cut's any rougher than Oregon he must have lowered the rakers too much or something to get it to do that..

Later Rob...
Ran both for years and the only difference I noticed was a little less initial stretch with Carlton and perhaps it wore just a teeny bit longer before sharpening. Difference is eeny and meeny.
because of the high cost of chain around here, stihl 20'' loop of 3/8 RS $28!!!!! equivealent loop of oregon $22!!! i order all of my chain execpt for the piccomicro because i haven't found another brand that has that size gage:( i run all carlton chain and am very happy with it, mine doesn't cut rough nor does it dull any faster than the stihl chain. hope this helps:angel:
I like the Carlton chain eccept for boring/plunge cuts,as far as a landing chain you can't go wrong.(unbreakable)Holds a excellent edge

Stihl chain (semi soft) easy to file,forgiving,ok chain good firewood chain,holds a edge . cuts fast

Oregon chain, the best of both world's not to hard not to soft(good all around logger chain)holds a great edge if SHARPENED right.

Total chain, if you are a arborist it's the sh!t(soft) a clean wood chain, fast and cheap to.
I just noticed you are form IL and I assume the feller/ logger you are talking about is from EIL ,so its pretty flat in your parts and the only time the feller/logger would have to use a bore cut to walk out the back door of a rottin or hollow stem,so whats his beef with Carlton? probably backsloped tooth or rackers to low. Seth.
[email protected]
I'm a little confused, I have never heard of Total chain, if it is cheaper that would be me.

All we have ever used is Oregon or Stihl. I thought that Oregon was cheaper chain than Stihl. We ruin chains frequently on stump cuts or removals because people around here think that all holes in trees need to be filled with concrete, or rocks or bricks or ....

If you know of a link where we could get a some idea of prices on a roll of Total, I would appreciate it.

I don't think Total chain is what total chain used to be. It was Sabre, and Sabre closed down or something at the first of the year. Now they sell Oregon or some other replacement. I think it depends on the size. They apparently have this and that. But, I haven't got any bad chain from them.
Sabre/Total/GB did shut down at the end of 01'. Grab all of it that
you can. It is very good chain in both chis and semi-chis. Very soft
once you get through the first layer of chrome. Still holds an
extremely descent edge, comparable to the Carlton products.
With Sabre gone, it's mainly K1C,K2C, or A1EP, or A2EP period.

Win Twins
I'm gonna go to the trouble and gas up two saws alike, one Carlton, one Oregon, and get a small crowd of witnesses and settle this chain brand thing.

I may never make much selling saws, I probably do too much testing, playing, and demonstrating.