For those of you who have railed against certification because it was a "money grab", and the grievous expense of ceu's: First of all, I always thought you had a very weak case. And now, you have no case at all:
.75 ceu's for skimming an article (or not ) and posting a comment. It can't get any easier than that, folks.
For those of you who have railed against the dilution of the value of certification, and bemoaned the lack of expertise employed by nonclimbing desk arborists ...Whaddya Think? No need anymore to even read an article in Arborist News and get a 70 on a simple, openmag test. Sheesh.
.75 ceu's for skimming an article (or not ) and posting a comment. It can't get any easier than that, folks.
For those of you who have railed against the dilution of the value of certification, and bemoaned the lack of expertise employed by nonclimbing desk arborists ...Whaddya Think? No need anymore to even read an article in Arborist News and get a 70 on a simple, openmag test. Sheesh.