CEU's for Arbo's

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Advocatus Pro Arbora
Jan 2, 2004
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se usa
For those of you who have railed against certification because it was a "money grab", and the grievous expense of ceu's: First of all, I always thought you had a very weak case. And now, you have no case at all: http://on-line-seminars.com

.75 ceu's for skimming an article (or not :rolleyes: ) and posting a comment. It can't get any easier than that, folks.

For those of you who have railed against the dilution of the value of certification, and bemoaned the lack of expertise employed by nonclimbing desk arborists :cry: ...Whaddya Think? No need anymore to even read an article in Arborist News and get a 70 on a simple, openmag test. Sheesh.
When I took the CA test a few years ago and found out that many taking the test were non-climbers, I wrote to ISA and complained. Response was such that due to legal reasons and so as to not exclude anyone ie: (person with disability) they could not deny anyone from taking the test. Now I guess enough folks (lower income) have yelled about paying for the class time and cost of getting CEU, that ISA will start to honor online courses as quality education. Personally, I think it will continue to dilute the CA as a standard of quality. While I do not believe any group of person should be discriminated against, the continueing lowering and modifiying of standards to not offend anyone is becoming offensive to all. This is happening all over the country with police & fire departments now forced to hire persons that 20 years ago would have had no chance of getting the job, yet standards are lowered to allow them to be hired. Not a good situation at all in my opinion.
Dada hits the nail right on the head, lower the standards even more. Who do you want rescuing your ass from danger, a 200lb. 6' tall fireman or a 115lb. firewoman that was hired cause the fire dept. was scared of getting sued? I have said it before here and I will say it again, the I.S.A. will certify anyone. I know I.S.A. cert. guys who are great climbers, great treeguys and good men. I know I.S.A. cert. guys that are non climbers (or workers for that matter) that would need a map to push a wheelbarrow around a corner. A bright 12 year old could do it, I.S.A. certification on its own means nothing, actually it can be worse because it implies competence. Maybe the I.S.A. guy that comes out to make decisions is great, maybe he is a cull. Roll the dice.
I am happy to see those articles are available for free. Call me cheap, but right now, about all I can afford to do is search the net for reliable resources and check out the limited books at my local library. I am eager to learn, just not financed to do so. I plan to take my CA exam when the time and money permits. Till then, I just do a lot of reading. With that said, could I become just as qualified as a CA? Sure, I think so. But getting my cert. and keeping it up tells the cust. that I have gone the extra step to be knowledgable about the service I'm providing. I think it makes for a good sales tool as well, esp. in my area.
The CA cert is like a drivers license, it depends on what you do AFTER you get it. I personally didn't take the test, back in 1997, until I had been climbing for quite awhile as I did not want to do a great dis-service to the climbing world. It was important to me to be an all arounder and not a desk jocky. I am one of 2 climbers my company has. We are both CA and both eligible for the BCMA, which we will conquer soon. CEU's are fairly easy to obtain even at little or no cost sometimes. Climb safe.
I just got done reading the article on compost. It was very informative, and I've been thinking of doing my own composting since I have the space and material available. I was never aware of the difference between fungi and bacteria dominated compost and there recommended uses. Good link!
"I guess enough folks (lower income) have yelled about paying for the class time and cost of getting CEU"
Dada, it wan't so much poor folks as city arborists crying poor becasue of "low budgets" I'm kinda torn; I'm glad to see more information getting more accessible, but I hate to see ceu's granted with such littel proof of participation or even reading.

" I am one of 2 climbers my company has. We are both CA and both eligible for the BCMA, which we will conquer soon."
Have fun with the test TreeGrrl; it is a headknocker. The good news is that more than half of the testtakers passed (75 out of 113). I miss Sarasota; used to live near Turtle Beach and went to Riverside High.

clearance I agree with your post (did I say that?)
I dreamed of getting a CA after I got a degree, and now I work in an office, after alot of saw time. I feel a college degree was harder and less rewarding than a 2 hour test and some cash. This office is so hot for the all mighty? Certified Arborist, to be able to bill for arborist reports, assessments and consultations. I guess my point is I can't believe how much more a person can charge $200/hour for having an ISA Certificate.
Bodean said:
$200/hour for having an ISA Certificate.
Man the cost of living in California mus tbe through the roof. Even an RCA could not charge that here, unless it's for deposions or testimony in court; I know a BCMA would get laughed at if he tried...

No, wait, I don't know that cuz I never tried. Maybe I will try doubling to $170 for routine work and see what happens...probly just tick people off and get turned away tho.

I think I met you in Pittsburgh, were you at the ISA Educational Goods and Services luncheon? You were talking about the BCMA pilot test that was given there. We review many things for Sharon Lilley. I couldn't attend the lunch this year, I had another meeting that day.

I used to live on Turtle Beach too! Actually the name of the high school is Riverview. I know it was probably a while back that you were there and the memory is a little cloudy. Ha.
TreeGrrl said:
I think I met you in Pittsburgh, were you at the ISA Educational Goods and Services luncheon? You were talking about the BCMA pilot test
Hey I remember you! Yeah the test was a topic at that time. Ye sreviewing is a fun hobby; rewarding in ways besides money. filthy stuff, who needs it? :rolleyes:
it was probably a while back that you were there and the memory is a little cloudy. Ha.
Yeah, the Beatles were still together then; that's Waaaay back.

Did you register at that online ceu site?