Hi, i would like to find as much info as i can to know how to sharpen chainsaw chains properly, i know this is kinda black art, but i know there are some rules of thumb and guidelines to follow. I know some persons can tell whats wrong by looking at the discoloration of the teeth, depth, angle, upond needs (hard wood, soft wood,...)
There must be a book or a web site somewhere about that, either just basics or something very deep.
fwiw i sharpened my old XL12 today and made some comparision test with my friend and his Stihl 026...i did beat him on a quick cut. lol...i used regular round file, and after a diamond incrusted type miniature file to "finish" it....cut like a razor blade, but i know my technique could be much improved....
There must be a book or a web site somewhere about that, either just basics or something very deep.
fwiw i sharpened my old XL12 today and made some comparision test with my friend and his Stihl 026...i did beat him on a quick cut. lol...i used regular round file, and after a diamond incrusted type miniature file to "finish" it....cut like a razor blade, but i know my technique could be much improved....