The lineman's only ppe in the first video is a full brim plastic hardhat, safety glasses, cotton clothing, and insulated rubber gloves with protective leather outer gloves. There is specialized protective clothing used primarily when disconnecting or switching on higher voltages or removing large circuit breakers from a source of power than can not be shut off :hospitals, factories, etc. They are called Cal suits. They offer the wearer protection from an explosive electrical condition called an arc-blast. They do not function as a "rubber suit" to insulate the wearer from becoming electrocuted. The insulating factor comes from the rubber gloves with the leather outer shells and from rubber sleeves the lineman wear in addition to using fiberglass hot sticks and rubber blankets. You do not get many second chances and I tip my hat to those of you out there doing clearance work. It is dangerous enough working with a chain saw. Add working up in a tree. Then throw several thousand volts into the equation.
The suit the high voltage maintenance worker is designed to make the worker the same voltage potential through out his body as the voltage in the lines that he is working on. He would be very uncomfortable with out his grounding suit. It is the opposite of an insulated suit.