I’ve been onsite for a few cases of “lost trailer”. One moment your riding along all hunkie dorie; attention split between the road, traffic, neat trees, and pretty girls. The next minute some tailgating jerk is trying to pass you on a double line corner… Hey!!! HOLY SGHIT, THAT’S THE CHIPPER! Relax, slowly apply the brakes, do not try to pull over yet, flashers on. ‘KRAATHUNK’ chipper smacks into the back of the truck, OK, slow down to a stop. Now pull off to the side, using the chains to pull the chipper. Right, lets go see how bad it is…
That particular scenario was caused not by a failure to completely attach the chipper, but because the lunet ring was worn down to the point where it managed to slip out of a closed pintle hook. Now this may scream “poor maintenance”, or inattentiveness, but when veiwed from above the lunet ring looked fine, it wasn’t until you got underneath of it that you could really see how badly worn it was.