i'm w/butch here. unless i have a dealine or commitment of some sort that can not be put off for some reason (and even then i'll probly try to wiggle out of it) i'm stayin dry. if i have already started and am warmed up/into it i might try and tough it out, but not very hard. my grandfather was the most consumate workaholic ever, but even he knew better than to work in the rain-there willalways be those situations where there is no practical choice but to get soaked, however there's plenty to do in the garage or in the office. but i am self-emoployed and dont have to answer to many about working or not. as far as wind goes... i am easily spooked by wind. screw that! i want to be in total control as possible. to me, its just silly to work otherwise. as i said, being the boss is where its at!