Climbing our way to California

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Oct 14, 2002
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Los Angeles
Alright men and women. Karina and I are going on a roadtrip from Baltimore (departing in about 20 minutes) down through Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, then heading over to Mississippi and Louisiana, Texas, then New Mexico, Arizona and California.

We have a lot of free time on this trip. We thought it might be fun to visit some of you folks and schedule a day of work. You'd get me (a climber with all my own climbing gear and some rigging gear) and Karina (who has a little treework experience and drags brush with more intensity than most men are cabable of). We are thinking a more than fair rate would be about 25.00/hr for the two of us. No, not 50/hr total. Just an even 25.

If you are up for it, give us a call. I will have my cell phone, though it won't be on all the time (to save the battery....I don't have or want a car charger). Just leave a message at 732-620-2603 if you think you'd like to arrange it.

Also, I am equipped to teach a splicing class that some of us here have already taken. The price is not cheap, but the lesson is well worth (or so the people who have taken the class have told me). If this interests you, just give a call!

Why don't you extend your trip for a few more days and just drive on over to Hawaii? I'd love to take that splicing class.

If possible, call me the night before you swing thru Alex. I can't give you any work, but we can do something. If I haven't heard from you, I'll call yur cell wens night.
Originally posted by MasterBlaster
If possible, call me the night before you swing thru Alex. I can't give you any work, but we can do something. If I haven't heard from you, I'll call yur cell wens night.

Thats great I love how you all get to travel and climb together. :blob2: I want to to.:cool:

If your headed up into the redwood country, I'd be willing to drive South for one of those splicing lessons.
I talked to Nick today after he'd made this post and we talked a splicing class settup. Not sure just when for the date, but anyone in Oklahoma, Kansas, SE colorado, Missouri, N. Texas: give me a pm.

We talked about after LaborDay weekend on a weekend.

Enid is 5 hrs from KC, Dallas, springfield MO.

I'd like this class so lets get one setup!

You can also call me: 580-402-8733.
Hey guys- We are in Apex, NC. We're gonna do a days work with Guy today. Seems like we'll have a good day today. He's a real slave driver, though;)

David, just give me a call if you get a few more takers for that splicing class. Maybe we could do it the Monday of Labor Day. Or even the day right after?

Alright, I best be off to work!

Got a big take-down to do there with Guy?  Come on, you can tell us...
Bending the CTCAC Boycott, Briefly

Nick and Karina just hit the road, on their way for th e5 cent Sherrill's tour. They helped with a spreading willow oak yesterday with 2 yr old storm damage. They are an excellent team, Nick the climbing tech and Karina the horticultural brains of the outfit. A smart blonde indeed. :)

I got to :Eye: some new knots firsthand and now have my very own splittail rig. This dinosuar may yet evolve into a bird.

I highly recommend Nick's rope service and their working service and their personal company to anyone who has the chance. I tried to get more work out of them but they have other prioritrees. Going to see the Angel Oak in SC. Ah, to be young and mobile...:cool:

"he had a take down comming up. I could tell it really shook him up." Maybe so; I was called to save that one but had to take it down. Clients did learn that armillaria grew where fill was put over trunk 10+ yrs ago.

Empathy is useful when understanding client goals and motivations, if you want to help them manage their trees. There's a lot of joy to feel along with the pain. When tree growth is on your side, who can stand against you?:D
Hi Nick, on your way back make a point of heading North to Seattle to see RB tree, unless of coarse he goes to Oroville and I hope he does, he'll show you some real chainsaws and woodfibre. Hope you also check out the big Redwoods on Calif's coast. We will all be in Oroville Calif. on Sept 25th for a saw race if that turns your crank at the Husky dealers there where tree climbers also hang out.
If ya'll swing through Colorado, maybe me and Stumper can round up some work for ya. Me, Justin, and Rocky spent a day fishing two weeks ago.

Guy, thanks for the great review. That was a great Willow Oak to work in. Though I've climbed many a Willow Oak in the past, I refer to the tree you, karina and I did as my First Real Willow Oak.

About that Angel Oak...anyone here ever visited it? It's a beautiful tree!!! However, we didn't get too close. We got there at about 5:15pm and the park closed at 5pm. So we camped out on the beach at Edisto Beach State Park (Gaston was fun!) got up the next morning, found some AWESOME shells that the storm had brought up, then headed to the tree. It was during open business hours, but the gates were locked! So Karina and I, fed up, decided it would be appropriate for us to jump the fence and visit the tree. Well, no less than 10 seconds went by before a piercing alarm sounded. We high-tailed it outta there. We hung around waiting for the cops (figuring we'd get in more trouble if we were caught fleeing the scene), but they never showed and in about ten minutes the alarm went off. It was a dissappointing visit and we never got to see the tree up close, but wow, it is a magnificent tree. Definately worth the trip:D

After that, we went to one other secret tree that was almost as beautiful. I won't talk about that one until I can get the photos up. I got to climb that one and man, did I love it!

Gypo- I will be going BACK to the redwoods. I've climbed 3 of them now. I will be living in CA for a few years and will definately be driving up to Northern CA to head up a few more redwoods! I think we are going to buy Karina the new butterfly saddle so she can come up, too!

Butch, we spent too much time in NC and SC, I don't think we're making it up your way. We have to be in Super-south Texas (Harlingen) the second day of September, and just doesn't look like it's gonna work. I was hoping we could climb a tree and get you back on the split tails!

Thanks to everyone that called me! I haven't been getting back to all the phone calls because..well..just been lazy!


ps- If you are looking for some fun oak trees to climb, go to North and South Carolina!
Originally posted by NickfromWI
Well, no less than 10 seconds went by before a piercing alarm sounded. Definately worth the trip.
I'm continually mystified by the brutal protection trees get. Maybe the powers that be fear a poisoning like Austin's Treaty Oak got. But since no one responded to the alarm, bad guys still could have done the deed and got away. Government protection at its finest :alien:

If you are looking for some fun oak trees to climb, go to North and South Carolina!
Wish you coulda come back Saturday; we were looking for you. See you in San Diego in March!
Just curious , What's happening in San Diego in March?
I 'll be there at that time again with a few friends
Originally posted by Toddppm
Just curious , What's happening in San Diego in March?
I 'll be there at that time again with a few friends
If they are psychologists, they'll have a lot of company.:alien:

I'm tagging along with wifey who will be attending a neuropsychology convention. Neat stuff if you're into brain function. :rolleyes: Me I'm just glad that my brain functions at all so I can go along for the parties, and to show the kids San Diego.

Tagging along with wifey got me out to see Leon for 5 days in HI; pays to be a good hubby sometimes.;)

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