Have you all seen the combination lock biners? I was just browsing at the local army navy store and came across one. It has a three digit combination on the gate. Its not rated for climbing but its a great lock for my new gear bag. I picked up a cool duffle completely waterproof with some inside pockets. I am tired of the little things that just come up missing. We all the have the same gear pretty much when it comes to micro pulleys and biners. I find something missing. I have a feeling who but its better just not to point and fingers. Maybe once I start locking things up they wont walk off. One guy at work is always asking for things cause I have so many of them. I loaned him a saddle with some bent gate biners on it and get back without the biners that he says isn't there and now he has those same biners on his saddle hmmm...
Wouldn't be so bad if the gear is just given to me but I work just as hard as next guy to purchase gear.