When I come across a well made piece of equipment I like to share the info about it. So far I've only used it as a glorified tool carrier, but it is rated at 1.5 tons. The plan is to use it as a mobil rounds staging table for the opposite side of the SS as I'm feeling an imbalance working on just one side of the splitter. (If there was room I would build a log deck and stationary staging bench instead, mirroring the other side of the splitter, but there isn't enough room with out clearing and leveling more area than I want to.) I added the ball coupler using one bolt through the existing pin style coupler, and a sheet of 4' x 8' x 3/4" treated ply fits snug in the frame without cutting. To date I've not fastened the plywood in actually. The deck is a little lower than expected but that's been okay. Check out Kory Farms on line. There are a couple options, including all-steer. This is the Model 3000 wagon running gear and the FB-48 deck frame. The last photo is from their website. Takes some effort to back up a wagon but I'm getting considerably better. A guy on a small tractor forum used the running gear and built a nice electric/hydraulic dump for it. Initially I was checking out putting the running gear under the SS as it is adjustable length wise, but it's way of over kill for that use. In Wisconsin there are retail farm stores that you can get them, similar to the Tractor Supply Co. that is in Michigan. I bought this one direct and picked it up. As soon as I'm done processing logs that are shedding bark like a snake skin it will soon replace the Thule trailers spot next to the splitter, with some short uprights and a half cord of oak rounds on it.