Connecting Tree Crews with Recreational Tree Climbers

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ArboristSite Lurker
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Columbus Ohio
The purpose of this thread is to ask if there are ways for the working climber to connect with the recreational climber to form a beneficial relationship?

Recreational climbers are scouting for the next adventure. Would it make sense for a rec climber to set lines for a tree crew in advance of their work day? Insurance issues? Cash tips (at least to cover the cost of leaving lines)?

Another thought is for the tree crew to pursue the low cost, small job activity by casting it to a friend rec climber. I'll build a hypothetical situation here. A homeowner has like 2-4 annoying limbs that are suitable for a quick hand saw. The tree company charges an incredibly low fee like $40 for general debris removal. The rec climber shows up, saws three limbs and volunteers to perform simple clearing further up the tree at no charge. The homeowner is amazed that your tree company allowed someone to work for 3-4 hours for a low flat fee. Your crew runs by and collects limbs at the curb. More importantly, a relationship has been built for return business when significant work is needed.


Keep FIT - Fun in Trees
How long would it take for the rec climber to want to turn that recreation into profit?
for the average nitwit, about a day and a half.

Just to clarify, you see this interaction as creating a competitor and handing the customer to them?

If that wasn't your point, it remains a downside to that relationship.

Personally, I did tree climbing and cutting about 25 years ago, and I never have the urge to pick up a chain saw for profit. I hand saw my trees.

Doesn't this creation of a competitor happen through apprenticeships with the skilled worker anyway?


Keep FIT - Fun in Trees
JimK said:
The rec climber shows up, saws three limbs and volunteers to perform simple clearing further up the tree at no charge. The homeowner is amazed that your tree company allowed someone to work for 3-4 hours for a low flat fee.

Keep FIT - Fun in Trees

Hmmmmmmm Then he tell's his friends & Hey they removed several limbs for 40.00
I bet they would take down this 48" DBH oak for 300.00
Set's the wrong presidence.My Min is now 400.00 even if it is for 1 limb for any work except stump grinding for that reason.You start doing jobs for 40.00 your headed for big trouble. Homeowner: Well you pruned his whole tree for 40.00 and you were there for 4 hrs!
TreeCo said:
Have a rec climber set out lines for us? Is there an underlying assumption that rec climbers know our work as well or better than we do?

I'snt that why i bought a bigshot?
TreeCo said:
Trying to explain the rec climber was not an employee is going to be hard if there is an injury involved. n
If the two were separate, the first guy could be a contractor, but still must have liability ins.

"you see this interaction as creating a competitor"


" I never have the urge to pick up a chain saw for profit. I hand saw my trees."

I strongly share your preference for handsaws, but a chainsaw is sometimes more practical. I deadwooded 4 old cedars yesterday, no doubt the chainsaw was faster and easier. You should have the urge to use the best tool for the job.
When Arthur Ryetiss moves into your shoulders, you will stop stroking extra if you can avoid it.

'Doesn't this creation of a competitor happen through apprenticeships with the skilled worker anyway?"

A potential one, sure. That's why it's best to train folks with ties to other areas, so they don't set up shop next to yours.

"My Min is now 400.00 even if it is for 1 limb"

DDM, you don't get many one-limb jobs do ya?? Some like jobs big I guess.
Liability would be then biggest issue. I've had other arboristsite climbers into town to do climbs, most were very early climbers looking to learn some new stuff (just invited another guy in the day before yesterday). I can't see leaving someone, alone, on a job site, while I'm off doing something else. One mistake on his part, it comes back on me, there's no way around that.

I like setting my lines. It's one of my favorite things. And to have someone knock out a few limbs, just so I can come back and take away the mess, I would want that the other way around if anything.

Before I wrote this, I really did try to come up with the practical applications, risks vs. rewards, how it could work. Practically speaking, it doesn't work. Recreational climbers don't belong with saws in their hands, or being in a tree unsupervised on my client's property. Apprentices or employees, different story.
The Downside Seems to Win Out on This Issue

Another downside is that the recreational climber isn't obligated by a schedule like the tree crew. That presents inherent conflicts.

Thanks for the discussion. Apparently there doesn't exist a mutually beneficial partnership between working and recreational climbers.


Keep FIT - Fun In Trees
This relationship is like a rock climber helping a quarry.

Recreation climbers, not really tree climbers/arborists, climb for fun and only fun. If you turn a profit then you better start being liable for all the S@it we are. This topic always gets me going because it have buddy that does the same thing. If recreation climbers do GTW (General Tree Work) than why did I bother to become a Cert. Arborist, attend Penn State to pursue a degree in Urban Forestry, etc. Why should I uphold the highest degree of quality work and try to make some money at it, when Joe Blow the weekend footlocker can do it.

Is Joe Blow insured, a Cert. Arborist, have a degree in Forestry, pay taxes,....


Just because you can climb a tree does not imply that you can practice arboriculture.

Climbing is one of the many aspects of Tree Care.

This is my life DO not P*ss with it.

Its like half-ass out sourcing, only still in America.
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No I dont get many 1 limb jobs.Payroll fuel & Equipment pretty much did that in.

Need ropes set in 80-year-old English Hawthorn, N.E. corner of Sikh Temple Parking lot. Set pulley or block for rigging out and away from fountain.

This is free, right? :)

RedlineIt said:
80-year-old English Hawthorn, N.E. corner of Sikh Temple Parking lot.
Hey you're working for the Sikhs?? Sat Nam and wahe Guru! I used to be a Sikh back in the 70's; a very cool religion, as religions go. Getting up at 4 a.m. everyday to work out and meditate is not for everyone, but it worked for me, until I got tired of wearin the dam turban thingy.

A hawthorn is an easy climb, right? No need for a bigshot, just lean the ladder up to the first limb and up ye go.

If the job was in my hood I'd do it at a deep discount if I could sit in on their Kundalini Yoga sessions. Get that snake uncoiling up your spine and man you are flyin!!

What was this thread about agin?