I have discovered there are front tipping fork attachments as well as rotating ones.
If I had the money I'd buy a 40 hp tractor tomorrow, and go with that.
I've concluded the easiest solution is to get a ball mount attachment for the forks to move the conveyor with the forklift.
That alone will be so much easier, as forward/backward operating will be reverse from using the quad.. Pulling with the forklift out backing up, and replacing it going forward, which has been the fussier one. Backing the quad was difficult, to twist around to see and steer with handlebars. There is also a thumb button to hold for four wheel drive reverse, which was necessary for part of it.
Using the forks also eliminates having to jacking up the tongue of the conveyor each time. Eliminates needing a front hitch on the quad.. It does away with the quad entirely.
It is the least expensive as well, using pretty much what I already have. A bit more time consuming, moving the conveyor, and hand feeding it, but at this point, I'll try it and go from there. If I level out the area where the conveyor sits for processing and get some gravel fill, spotting it would be easier too.. I'm close to a large oak and there's a hump around the base that tilts it sideways pretty good before getting it into position. There is a sweet spot for the splits to drop in the drum when processing. The low end of the conveyor is centered between the log decks, so the wheels need to be close for the far end to drop the splits best. I need to get some deliveries out to really know what's going to work.
We heard from the health department, and appointments for vaccines are six to eight weeks out. I'm not doing deliveries until the second shot. Time to get a cdl.