Chris Francis
Obsessed with trees
Corpcom is a fraudulent company out of Canada. Do not give them any money. Their scam is as follows: They approach real estate offices to offer free color folders that they can use for their paperwork. The local businesses buy ads in it. The system is beautiful, except two things:
- The folders NEVER get printed.
- They automatically charge your account every year for an extra $300.
To top it off, they are in Canada, so good luck with law suits, police action, etc... Apparently the lady that works in their office that handles complaints and financial issues is Jackie. They either lie for her or she is as fat as an elephant because she is ALWAYS at lunch, no matter if it is 8 am or 4 pm. Please call them to see for yourself: 1-877-613-2232.
It has been over a year, and the folders are not going to be printed. They say the sales period has not ended yet. There is a legal term called REASONABLE. It is unreasonable to have an infinitessimal sales period for a real estate folder.
The company I am referring to is at
Hopefully this does not get confused with real companies that share a common name. If your company name is Corpcom, I would consider changing it before the Canadian Corpcom drags you down.
Corpcom is a scam. Warning. Corpcom is fraudulent!
- The folders NEVER get printed.
- They automatically charge your account every year for an extra $300.
To top it off, they are in Canada, so good luck with law suits, police action, etc... Apparently the lady that works in their office that handles complaints and financial issues is Jackie. They either lie for her or she is as fat as an elephant because she is ALWAYS at lunch, no matter if it is 8 am or 4 pm. Please call them to see for yourself: 1-877-613-2232.
It has been over a year, and the folders are not going to be printed. They say the sales period has not ended yet. There is a legal term called REASONABLE. It is unreasonable to have an infinitessimal sales period for a real estate folder.
The company I am referring to is at
Hopefully this does not get confused with real companies that share a common name. If your company name is Corpcom, I would consider changing it before the Canadian Corpcom drags you down.
Corpcom is a scam. Warning. Corpcom is fraudulent!