craftsman/poulan 36cc carb adjustment?

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Jun 26, 2005
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Fayette County..OHIO
I have one of those craftsman 36cc chainsaws made by poulan,
M/N 358.350660.everytime I run it dry and go to refuel, it vaporlocks like a SOB! infact it doesn't even have to run out of fuel just get hot!Anyways I took it back to the sears for warranty coverage. the service tag it said "found carb out of adjustment" Now it seems to only get up to 1/2 throttle. I beleve they set it too rich! If this is true which needles(H or L) need to be turned in to lean it out a bit?I will not send it back to sears again b/c other issues with another saw! I don't trust sears techs! I turned the high speed needle in a 1/8 it made a difference but it still not what it used to be, also it sucks to take the frikin thing apart all the way to get the carb off so I can get that black rubber thing off so I can turn the needles with pliers :angry2: I am just afraid I will get everything out of wack then need to screw all the ndles in and start over from factory ndle setting(by the way does anyone know how many turns out factory is for the H and L?)
Also it is still vaporlocking, any help would greatly be appreciated!
"H" is the high speed mixture ans "L" is the idle mixture. Turning to the right, or in will lean the mixture. Sounds to me lke the high speed is set too rich. They are best set by ear with the saw running and usually you will need to set both, If one is moved very far it seems to affect the other setting. The saw should "4 stroke" (I.E. miss or "blubber") when wide open and not cutting or it is likely too lean and engine damage will result. What you think is vapor lock could be dirt or line problems, check the fuel and pulse lines carefully for cracks. On two of our newer saws, the 2050 Poulan and the (so-called) Asian Macculloch the carbs could not be set right until the very restrictive muffler baffeling was modified with a drill. Te motors just couldnt breath I take it, search under muffler mods here if interested.
slipknot said:
to be, also it sucks to take the frikin thing apart all the way to get the carb off so I can get that black rubber thing off so I can turn the needles with pliers :angry2: !

RELAX, have a beer or whatever! You didn't pay much for it.

I personally think you have the perfect machine to dub around with and learn something about mechanics, and engines with. If you mess it up you haven't lost a lot.

Wouldn't you like to be able to repair your own stuff? Best way to learn is just do it. The expensive Euro-saws have problems too. What ever mechanics you learn from this one could save you money down the road with other products. :)
Once you learn you will just want to keep trying to fix others. Like I have, just to learn more. Addiction I think they call it here.
DanMan1 said:
RELAX, have a beer or whatever! You didn't pay much for it.

I personally think you have the perfect machine to dub around with and learn something about mechanics, and engines with. If you mess it up you haven't lost a lot.

Wouldn't you like to be able to repair your own stuff? Best way to learn is just do it. The expensive Euro-saws have problems too. What ever mechanics you learn from this one could save you money down the road with other products. :)

LOL I didn't mean to come across like I was really pissed. Its just that it's like trying to work on a honda or something (little traps to keep the consumer from working on them) You can't use a screw driver on it! Unless someone tells me different I am going to assume these are like radio controlled nitro tucks, they have a high and a low speed needle! I'm good on those! :cool:
Or easier yet, just remove the carb, take the dremel, and cut little notches in the adjusting screws for a screw driver. simple enough?
oldsaw-addict said:
Or easier yet, just remove the carb, take the dremel, and cut little notches in the adjusting screws for a screw driver. simple enough?

thats a great idea, will do! I bet I void the warranty but it sucks anyways!
peace!!! thanks fellas! :blob6:

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