Cutting conditions

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Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
West Coast
What is the worst stuff growing in your strip to cut timber in?

1. Old growth Vine Maple (8-10+ on the stump LOL)

2. Poison Oak (hear California has some epic stuff)

3. Devils Club

4. Tan Oak/ Broadleaf Maple

5. Rock Patch from hell

6. Buck Brush

7. Snags don't count
Red pine. we had a job thinning it out in a plantation. it was badly planted with only a few feet between stems in almost a random assortment, no rows. the stuff would not come down even when it seemed it was all alone there was always a tree hanging onto it. aside from that maine has massive amounts of poison ivy and i am allergic so i can pick up small traces and be itching for months at a time.
Devils club the gift that gives in multiple ways

1. Poison oak...some years it's not too bad. Other years it's really out to get you.

2. Blackberry bushes...some times acres of them from old ranches and homesteads.

3. Manzanita...pokes you everywhere

4. Buck brush...snake heaven

5. I'm counting snags, anyway.:)

6. Pot plantations.
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im working near a cemetary and everything that people pladted in the cemetary has spread into the woods. if the plant ever produced berries the birds ate the berries and spread seed into the woods. the worst is this vine that has ahold of everything. ive had it pull dead limbs out of other trees onto me while im falling a tree its growing in. it was bad enough this fall when i could see it, but now its all hidden in the snow and i trip on it without seeing it. also have found some japanese barberry, OUCH!
Snags suck, I agree. I thik of snag removal as your life in a strip. It must be done when within a tree length of any cutting in my opinion. I cut a bad one that was wraped up in that damn vine today, below a road on a steep bank with cold decks right above and beside me as well. It was a 30" White Fir that was tall and not even worth pulp. I laid it out over a lay of real big wood as soon as I could. I love watching them break up. (easier for the logger LOL). As far as intrusive vegetative henderances, I would say Vine Maple is the stuff I hate the most. Some of it around here gets really bad, I'm sure Bookerdog could vouch for me in our area. I got posion oak in my eye last year cutting some fresh little sprouts from around a tree that were full of death juice. :dizzy:
Ill vouch for the vine maple tangle chatter your teeth bite or throw your chain while whipping and flinging about trying to give ya a shot in the mouth would that about sum it up mr Burvol:chainsaw:
Ill vouch for the vine maple tangle chatter your teeth bite or throw your chain while whipping and flinging about trying to give ya a shot in the mouth would that about sum it up mr Burvol:chainsaw:

Exactly...Full comp all the way. You can control that crap better with a slower cut with some hot square comp. It is chain throwing stuff, did it twice today. Rhodadendrens are right up there with it. I forgot Rhodies on the list.
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6. Pot plantations.

No kidding, that's got to be bad. Not enough to worry about the natural hazards, but have to think about snipers, too.

Didn't I hear some dope farmer was shooting at dozer operators during the fires last year?
Poison oak, and cactus, w/ catclaw being the worst. You can't even look at it w/o it flinging needles in you.
Poison Ivy. It's even a pita when it's not growing on a tree. It will spread across the ground, look real good before you reach down to pick up your saw or grab a piece of firewood.

im working near a cemetary and everything that people pladted in the cemetary has spread into the woods. if the plant ever produced berries the birds ate the berries and spread seed into the woods. the worst is this vine that has ahold of everything. ive had it pull dead limbs out of other trees onto me while im falling a tree its growing in. it was bad enough this fall when i could see it, but now its all hidden in the snow and i trip on it without seeing it. also have found some japanese barberry, OUCH!

Agreed those vines are a pain. I just drop everything that is attached and call it close enough, bad management but its invasive so it doesn't bother me that much. Once its on the ground and you buck out the first twitch its not so bad. I would also put my two cents towards muddy or icy hills, those are just plain dangerous.
1. poison ivy
2. greenbriar
3. blackberry vine
4. barbed wire in the trees
I know its not a big deal but, I hate when scotch bloom. When you walk over it and it comes right back between the legs.
YELLOW JACKETS AND BLACK HORNETS!!! the worst i've ever seen last summer an underground/ rotten log nest every 50-100 sg. feet. I think i went through close to 50-60 cans of bee spray in a month and a half.
I do not have problems with any of the seven problems originally posted, but the 220 inches of snow and counting is making me work pretty hard.

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