Deal on quality 42" bars

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That's always been my argument - in my case because I do mostly urban milling salvage behind narrow gates in back yards. No matter how affordable bandsaw mills get, still a place in this world for chainsaw milling for extra large or hard to get to logs. I normally wouldn't argue with spending $339 on a 42" Cannon bar vs $100-150 for an Oregon to get a really bombproof quality bar. But if I can get a GB titanium 42" for $85, a Cannon doesn't seem enough of a bar upgrade in that size to justify spending 4x as much on it. But in a 60" bar, $565 for a GB vs $645 for a Cannon, oh yeah, both are top quality bars but hands down I'd buy the Cannon.
i 100% agree
Get it in an email or text- people often lie over the phone!

For me, it's not so much a question of China quality- it's about all the evil things China has done and is doing. YMMV
If your sole or primary reasoning for not buying from a country is "all the evil things [they have] done and [are] doing", then how could you buy domestic goods from the United States?
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