Finished up the second of the two trees on the farmers "point"
Original site (after cutting two stems off the far tree)

As I left it yesterday after finishing up the near tree (2 stems)

And after adding the load to the "to be split" pile:

Looks like I will end up with a bit over 2 cords and still have that remaining stem plus several small trees on down the brush patch. Have to wait until after harves to get them.
Nice to work real wood after all the Willow I cut. I will be reverting to the willow next week when the weatehr eases off. Near 100 tomorrown and several days of high 90s to follow. I have 4 huge Willows that I have been promising a farmer to get out of his way for 3 years now. One of them has a stem over 4' the others around 40".
Harry K