Decisions, decisions.....

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Billy Jack

ArboristSite Guru
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Lake Norman, NC
As I've mentioned in my list of saws, I am currently in the hunt for a larger Husqvarna in the 288-395 range. As of now, my two best options are a 385xp and a 394xp. Both are used, in very good shape, have 30"+ bars, and have good compression. Either will be mechanically excellent, and have very good to excellent appearance. Currently I have a 51 for small stuff, limbing, with 18" and 20" bars, a Sachs-Dolmar 116SI with 20" and 24" for small to medium stuff, a 272xp and an 372xp for my main saws (various bars from 20" to 42"). My budget for the saw is less than $600.

I ONLY have the 42" bar for cutting slabs off of interestingly fluted bases of large trees. I raise bonsai trees, and these types of slabs (when finished) bring decent money for bonsai displays. The 42" allows me to make one cut, minimizing the finishing effort. I've RARELY needed more than a 30" to cut anything else. AT first, I used the bar with my 272xp (the biggest I had at the time), and it worked okay in those limited situations (avatar pic shows the set up).

My main cutting is for our own firewood, some land clearing, and to help out others. I do not make a living at it, although I have cut wood for about thirty years, non-professionally, and have done a few jobs for payment.

Having said all that, my main reason for this bigger saw is to run the longer bars, both for cutting slabs and for larger trees (32" +) I'm using for firewood. In this area, most of my cutting will be various oaks (Red, White, Turkey, and Spanish), with the occasional hickory, and bald cypress (for slabs, although that's a short road trip). Right now, the 385xp is my preference. I like the inboard clutch/side chain adjust of my 372xp, along with the quick access air filter hatch, and the 385xp seems to have all that. The power increase of the 394xp over the 385xp is nice, but not really necessary. I'm, 6'3", 275 lbs, and no stranger to lifting heavy, so the weight increase isn't a big concern (I''ll probably throw my back out now that I've said that), and it looks like the bar changes and chain adjust of the 394xp are just a wee bit less convenient. These are the reasons why I am leaning towards the 385xp, but would be happy with either.

What I am asking for is advice/suggestions based on what I've said above when these two saws are considered. I want to stay Husky since all my bars will interchange (except the 51). I'm a stickler for maintenance, so the saw will be a long-term, yet highly maintained piece of equipment that I will take care of, but demand it work when called upon.

Input is highly sought, and appreciated.
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Welcome aboard.

I like my 394. I know it will pull a 36" stock. And JT has a 395 that he runs a 42" on, but its also ported.

IF you were buyin a new saw, I would recommend the 390XP.

How soon are you looking to purchase the saw?
Welcome aboard.

I like my 394. I know it will pull a 36" stock. And JT has a 395 that he runs a 42" on, but its also ported.

IF you were buyin a new saw, I would recommend the 390XP.

How soon are you looking to purchase the saw?

I don't really have a time to buy the saw by, but I do have a window of opportunity NOW on the USED 394xp. I started looking at a 288xp and then narrowed it down from there. Anything from 288-395 fits the bill for me. I can't justify buying at a "new" price.
Get the 394 if as good as you say. Put whatever bar on it you want and go to it. Look I'm a Stihlhead but LP's old ugly 394 even impresses me. It's got the butt stock to pull I know a 36 that's all we have for it now.

I called him Saturday to bring it to a cow pasture to cut a blow down that's right at 40" and it eat through it like it was nothing. I sharpen for him cause he can't sharpen a pencil, but that thing is sweet.

All I took with me was my 029 super so I had to call for reinforcements. We about an hour from you if you want to come run his hollar.
I can't justify buying at a "new" price.
I completely understand that.
I like the way the 288s grunt, havent got to run mine though :(

Like SP said, we arent but about a hour from ya. So if you just cant make up your mind, Im sure my 394 would make it up for ya.
But if the used 394 is a good enough price, you could always get it and try it out. If it doesnt suit you, there are plenty of ASers that would give it a new home.
Congratulations. . It should put a smile on your face. Buried mine in a 40+" long the other day. It never thought twice. Ive got a video, just got to figure out how to edit it then upload it.
Congratulations. . It should put a smile on your face. Buried mine in a 40+" long the other day. It never thought twice. Ive got a video, just got to figure out how to edit it then upload it.

Thanks man. It has a 28" b&c, and I'm looking for a 36" combo too. I have a 42-43" (can't remember which) combo that will fit it too. Should be a good, go-to saw when I need a big one. It probably won't be needed often, but then again I seem to pick up my 372xp more often than the others. Most wear 20" the majority of the time, but I have 18", 24", and 30" options as well..

I hope to see your video soon.
Good job. Run it some and see what you think of it. If you don't like it put me at the top of the list and let me know, I'm looking for one myself.
If you don't like it you won't have any trouble selling it on here if it's in decent shape. I would like to run one against my 390.
Lineup with 394XP

Here's a photo of my saws this morning:



I cut on a downed 44" oak today. Very impressed with it.
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Nice looking lineup. I kinda want to try a 394/395.

I'm impressed with it. I realize a few saws are even more powerful, but it is the ticket for my big saw needs. I'm gonna do the muff mod, but I doubt I'll hop it up past that.

Got it for $485.
Actually unless you go with a modded saw you have about the best one power wise out there.. If you ran an 088 or 3120 stock you would prob go running back to your 394 with open arms... The 90cc saws are my fav great grunt but still good chain speed.. The big boys just turn too slow for much fun stock.. Modded of course is something else :hmm3grin2orange:

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