I do not know if they have changed their formula for the bar oil, but they have become more competitive with their pricing. Currently the gallon jugs of platinum or winter oil are list price of $15.49. It was $19.95 not too long ago.
It seems as if Stihl is attempting to gain a better market share of their products. First the big drop in parts, then it seems some consumables have had price reductions.
With so many box stores around now, it seems inevitable that economies of scale are changing for some of the big players in any product category. In a small state like CT we now have 12 ? Tractor Supplies. There are still plenty of farms here, but most farmers are not going to TS, it's homeowners looking for the " farmer experience". Once you have them in the store, they wonder around, but things they don't need. What keeps them coming back? the experience usually.
Like any business, it costs a lot to get a customer in the door, at that point you want to keep them coming back time after time. I have noticed a big difference in 2 small local Stihl dealers recently, they have really stepped up their game. I have a big, local lumber supply yard that is about a mile away, hated going there, horrible customer service. In the last year they made some changes to staff and it is a completely different experience. They get all my business now.
The retail world is continuing to change daily, how many companies will be left is unknown, but the ones that have adjusted their business models will probably be at the top of the heap.
And yes, all that insight over chainsaw bar oil, lol.