Dolmar PS-420 issues

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Better Saws are Better...and Gut that Muffler!
AS Supporting Member
Sep 27, 2022
Reaction score
Kentucky...near Frankfort
I have a Dolmar PS-420 I have had for a couple of years. It used to run O.K. Then it didn't. I have not been able to fix it and it has me stumped, to the point this is getting personal between me and that saw.


Pull Pull Pull, no start.
Pull Pull, run smooth for 3 seconds, then stop as if the run switch were turned off.

I have not checked compression, but saw pull cord seems to have as much resistance as several of my other saws, especially for a 42 cc saw.
Compression seems good to me.
Saw falls very slowly when held by the handle, almost holds itself up.

I sealed off the exhaust and intake, without carb installed, and saw held 10 psi pressure and 10 in Hg vacuum for several minutes. I conducted test with a Mighty Vac through the spark plug hole.

What I have done to try to get her to run:

Vac Test
Pressure Test
Used coil from a 421 (maybe not right?)
Swapped plugs... resistor/non-resistor plugs
Carb Kit, and I checked and re-checked installation of parts
Sprayed carb inside and out, removed high/low jet screws and sprayed through all, did remove a bit of gunk from the high jet.
All new fuel lines
Checked and re-checked installation of purge bulb lines vs. fuel lines
New fuel filter
New fuel cap (needed that regardless)
New impulse line to cylinder
Removed cylinder... checked piston, rings, elbow for impulse line. It is clear. Piston has wear marks but doesn't seem excessive.
Checked fitting on top of tank. Both nipples on top of the fuel tank flow, and the one below does also. I sprayed carb cleaner through nipples using the spray tube.

Checked spark by grounding plug to spark plug hole and turning saw over. Sparks happen, but no idea if they are timed correctly.
Flywheel has cast-in-place tab on it matching crank. This is intact and not broken or damaged.

Another strange clue is that bubbles always flow in the purge system when I press the bulb. Bubbles come from the carb to the bulb, from the bulb to the tank.
More clues.

Poured gas mix in tank again. Poured fuel/gas mix into carb throat, no air filter.

Got er to hit and idle.

Adjusted screws back and forth.
She'd start and idle fine, but would not rev past a certain RPM.
Once that RPM was reached, she'd fall on her face and die instantly.

Then another clue, after warmup.
Pull cord got very hard to pull.
I think coil is shot.
Seems to be firing at the wrong times after warm up.
I had similar, but not so severe problems with the Makita version of this saw, which was very reliable until it started to run erratically, then the piston seized. After a new C+P, a long faultfinding sequence followed. The bubbles in the primer gave the clue to the answer. Using a syringe to pull fuel through, the fuel from the tank to the carb was clear, while the fuel from the primer pump tube out of the carb had bubbles in it. Problem was with a tiny one way valve inside the carburetor body, which can't be easily replaced, and was allowing air to enter via the main jet. Fitted a new Carb, problem solved immediately. Worth a try, if you are getting lots of small air bubbles in the primer bulb when pumping fuel through.
In same circuit, it is there to make sure the accelerator pump does not pull in air when the piston is pushed back by its spring. Not a service part, I think it is under the main jet, which is a tight press fit.