You and me both man. The reason everthing but my top-handled saws are the same brand is because the other brand's dealer in my area is horrible!
Stopped in to pick up some parts for my top-handle after dropping it out of a tree. The guy asked me if i was sure that was the model. I gave him a funny look but said that yeah, i was sure. Then he told me that that model is just a commercial saw and not many are around. Wanted me to bring it in so they could make sure it was the right model. I said ok, took it in the next day, they looked at it and said why don't you let us fix it. I was busy, so figured why not, save some time. Two weeks later, i call, see what's going on. They look and say the parts haven't been ordered yet. I flip. Don't use that saw often because i like bigger saws for removals, but had a bunch of pines coming up that i wanted the top-handle for. I told the dealer, listen, i'm a professional, i make my living with my saws, can't afford to have them down for long periods. He said ok, sorry, they'll get right on it. Call again a week later, what's the saw's status? Parts still not ordered. I really flip. Yell at them to give me the saw back. They can't because it's in pieces on the workbench, but they'll order the parts that night. Ok-need a top-handle so end up buying a used one off one of the guys on this site. Fixed the slight problems it had and used it-figured it could be a spare when/if i get my good one back. Four and a half weeks later (i'm not kidding), they call. Saw's done but they need a bar and chain so they can tune it up. I say don't you have a bar and chain a the shop they could just throw on it? No deal-had to either bring a bar and chain in, or buy them new. Told them never mind-i'll pick it up and tune it myself. No can do-they can't let it leave the shop till it's properly tuned. I am really po'd now-storm down there with a bar and chain and they tell me they will call when done. I say no way-i will stand over your guy and watch him tune that saw till he is done. They weren't happy, but at least i finally got my saw back. And the dealer tells me on the way out that guys like me are the reason he prefers dealing with homeowners-us professionals are just too demanding.
Good way to run a business.