Today I saw a very unprofessional tree worker. I was talking with a friend and saw this white car drive around slowly he was writing stuff down. It was a plain white car. My friend approached him and asked what are you doing. With that he said none of you business. My friend said well how do i know your not up something shady. With that he told him go f@#& your self. Then my friend called the police to have them check him out after he got hostile with him He gets out after sitting in his car for about 10 mins gives estimate and leaves. How was my friend supposed to know was a tree worker. What I do when i get people asking me what i am doing i tell them I am here at this place to give a estimate and i hand them a card. It has paid off so much doing stuff this way. The neighbors see what you did at that house then they want the same. Always keep cards hand shake and a smile in your truck. That will keep busy