Dumb Question for Gypo

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Bill G

ArboristSite King
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I have always asked dumb questions all my life so why stop now. I have been a member here since March of 2002. When I became a member it seemed like a very small group. It was a great site then and I feel it has blossomed into an even better site. when did this site start. When I joined it seemed like it was just getting started. Am I wrong ? I see gypo has been a member since December 2001. Who started the site. Now for my really dumb question. I believe it was John Lambert or "Yukon John" that got me to this site. When I joined I thought Gypo Logger was John Lambert. Here lately I have seem John Lambert posting responses and threads. I believe I read a thread that said Gypo was John's brother Walt Lambert. So my dumb question is who is Gypo ? Have I been drinling a few too many Hamm's when I visted this site or isn't Gypo actually the alter-ego of John Lambert. That is what I thought earlier. Has he created a new member of John Lambert just so he can argue with Gypo who he claims is his brother. I am sorry about all my ramblings maybe I need to lay off the Hamm's and stick to reading threads.

Bill G
Darin started this site in Jan 2001 with Pierre Luc (PLSoucy). If you look at PLSoucy's profile, you will see that he is the technical person and member #1. Darin invited me to join here in March or April 2001 and the chainsaw forum was a very small part of this site. The majority of action was on the residential forum with homeowners writing in for advice.
Sometime around the end of 2001, a bunch of saw enthusiasts discovered this forum and started posting here instead of their old forum (ToolShed?) and the chainsaw forum exploded with saw racers, modifiers and loggers. Since then the chainsaw forum has sort of taken on a life of it's own, almost to the exclusion of the rest of the site. I've seen many people join here and never realize that there are other forums here- even asking advice about technical site issues here instead of on the 'Support and Announcements' forum.
Weeelll.. Reincarnation...and "Nine lives of Fritz the Cat" are two thoughts that come to mind when the ole gyro or J.L. show up.

But I think it's more likely a simple case of split personality disorder. The scary thing is, there may be other personalities we've never heard of....floating around on other message boards devoted to who knows... mating habits of Bolivian aardvarks...

or underwater basket weaving.....

..or...Las Vegas Showgirl talk...

Hmm, anybody seen Ging...
All Canadians have split personalities. This is documentable and an accepted fact. Gypo is a typical Canadian in that regard.

His real job is a street sweeper in Toronto, and he has a side job as a Zamboni driver for the Toronto maple leafs
John Lambert, of Bad(something-or-other), Ontario, Canada, posts here under that name occasionally, and also under the handle Gypo. He also has a few nicknames: Gyro, Llama-blurt, Frank's planks, etc.

Someday I'll meet the guy, and be surprised. Online he's the life of the party. Probably means that in real life he's the quiet, serious type:p
Bill G, gypo is actually Che from Kentucky. Che is from Canada and is actually John Lamberts half brother Walt Galer. Walt brought Fish to the site who posts as Fish from Kentucky and Tundraotto from Arkansas. Split personality He gets to arguing with themselves once and awhile. Sometimes when Otto is drinking too much he becomes "no panties" and will post some under this handle. This site actually only has 23 members. People just use different log ins to keep it interesting. Try to keep up Bill :D
Here's the real scoop. John Lambert was born in White Plains, NY on July 20, 1954. He was given the name Douglas after his Scottish godfather's clan. In his early years, John became increasingly discontented with his city surroundings and ran away from home at age 14. After a few years jumping trains across the US and Canada, he was taken in by an elderly eskimo couple who had just relocated from the Yukon to the Priblof Islands of Alaska. It was through this couple that John met his first wife, Annie and they were married soon afterward. It was on their wedding night that the marriage started to go bad as Annie refused to let John consumate the relationship. Years after their 72 hour marriage was over, John would find out that Annie was indeed a lesbian and that she had been intoxicated when he had proposed. John was so disheartened by this that he decided to make a new life for himself and ended up settling in British Columbia after a 3 year apprentiship with some Finnish woodsmen in the Yukon. At this point, John was befriended by Lou Greffard of Clearwater, BC, who owned a small saw shop in town. Lou taught John many things about chainsaws over the next few years, later adopting John and giving him the nickname "Gypo" because he had come to know that John had been on his own most of his life. The Greffard family had recently lost it's 102 year old patriarch, Dennis, to influenza and when John took over running the saw shop from Lou, local customers started calling him Dennis because he reminded them of their old and dear friend. John sarted getting interested in building modified saws some years ago when he attended a logging show in Washington state. It was here that he first observed a saw that had been constructed around a snowmobile engine. John knew that he wanted to have a catchy name so people would remember it and he wanted this name to have something to do with these new hotsaws that fascinated him. Rotax goes with (illiterative instinct comes into play).....Robert. The pseudonym "Rotax Robert" was born on May 23, 1997 in Enumclaw, Washington. It turns out that after Lou Greffard found out that John was making a name for himself doing hotsaws on the side, he was displeased because John was neglecting his daily duties at the saw shop. Because he didn't want Lou to disown him, John realized that he had to create yet another alias so he could continue doing hotsaws on the side. John's big dilemma was that he was running out of clever names to use. One day, a regular customer came in and said what he had said for years every time he came into the shop, "Got 'er done yet?" (John was always late getting the local loggers saws fixed). So John combined the name of the customer, Ken, with the usual misspelled name from the now-popular phrase, to invent yet another name for himself, Ken Dunn. This goes on and on and on, but you probably get the idea. No one has ever met John Lambert or knows where he really lives. Pictures posted of him are just some local dysfunctional rube that he buys a 6 pack for every time he wants a few new pictures of "himself" to post.

So here's at least a more complete list of all the names that "Gypo Logger" uses here. They are all the same person, so contacting any of them will get you to the same individual behind the keyboard:

Gypo Logger
Rotax Robert
KD Hotsaw (2)
John Lambert
Walt Galer
treeclimber 165
wolf river mike
Cinnamon Girl
"no panties"
cleaning wench
and just so we won't get confused about whether or not John likes to get things going around here, he also uses the name
Bill G.
Thanks John,
Sometimes I think I'm going nuts talking to myself all the time, but I'm actually a good conversationalist if I don't say so myself. Oh yeah, I obviously forgot to add one other name to my list...dbabcock.

Oh ya, I forgot to mention, when I was at the Palace Hotel I met the following infamous gold seekers on the way to the Klondike Gold Rush, It was there that Rotax Robert got his first start with saws when he contracted to build the Diamond Gerties Saloon.
Gypo Logger
Frank's Planks
Rotax Robert
Doug Babcock
KD Hotsaw (2)
John Lambert
Wolf River Mike
Humphrey Dumbroski
Walt Galer
High Tech Redneck
Yukon John
Ken Dunn
Art Martin
treeclimber 165
Wolf river mike
Cinnamon Girl
Katie Hotsaw
"no panties"
cleaning wench

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Hi there...
"Dennis" here... How ya makin' out... Got 'er dunn yet...Where's that Pink when ya need 'er...

...JD Hotsaw...
Hi there:
Gypo Logger
Rotax Robert
Doug Babcock
KD Hotsaw (2)
John Lambert
Wolf River Mike
Walt Galer
High Tech Redneck
Ken Dunn
Art Martin
treeclimber 165
Wolf river mike
Cinnamon Girl
Katie Hotsaw
"no panties"
cleaning wench

Here, only I knew the answer to the bar oil question when somebody needed to know what a 710 on a chainsaw was. Lou taught me this many years ago.
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Ya, I know what it means to talk to oneself.
Sometimes when I am around others, people will ask me what I am laughing at. I tell them that I am telling myself jokes.
Then they ask me why some I laugh at and others I dont.
" its just that I have heard some of them already".
Rotax Robert
Sorry, I forgot the picture. This was taken in 1981 when I was being taught by Art Martin how to top trees in California.
What a spinnarounie reading all of that!!!!!

Who the he!! is who now ?

I better have another cold Molson Canadian, a lot easier than trying to follow all of this. :cry: :eek:
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