The damage to the trunk is severe, from the photo at least 50% involved. Not only was the bark rubbed/chewed off, but the trunk is cracked. (My bet would have been on deer rub, rather than rabbit...but you never know.)
The tree could have leafed out on stored energy alone. The leaves look fungal to me and, whereas, the diseases that can hit malus sp seem almost limitless, a stressed tree is going to be more susceptible.
My prognosis from these shots, would not be promising. If you want to wait it out you could leave it alone for this year and see if it leaves out next year. The tree is young and if enough of the cambium is intact on the far side of the tree, may be able to regroup. I would anticipate dieback even if it does survive. The concern of course would be pathogens that could overstress this already damaged tree and become more than it can handle.
If you wish to "wait and see" I would STRONGLY urge protection of the trunk against whatever animal/mammal damaged it.