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May 5, 2001
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Mini soda

I can't believe this price...my jaw hangeth open.

I have no problems with the seller; I've dealt with him and was happy. Why not just email the guy and ask for a price, rather than compete with all the other folks on the planet.

I guess its pretty nice to have customers competing for the stock on your shelf, rather than the dealer competing for customers!
If ya wanna see something funny, look at the bid history. Why would the same person bid 9 times in a row on the same saw (with no competing bids)?
because each time he bid he was not able to out bid the high bidder.(ecopsey) he was most likely bidding in small increments,a very newbie kind of thing. it does look odd untill you look at the bid times. that is still a good price for a 2149

id have to say thats a very newbe
thing. i dont know where u guys are getting the info on bid history tho. ill have to look again.
edit well found it first thing. guess he aint the only newbie. dang i been playin this game with one less card than everybody else.:)
I guess Ebay doesn't mind!

I have to admit in my haste, that I mistook $290 for $390, which would be an awful high price, especially after tacking on $25 or so to ship. My mistake :eek:

The auction may still get up above retail price on that model...can be had locally for $330 plus tax if there are any around yet.
This what you get when you have a couple of people who don't know eBay and the value of things very well. Prices go way up. It's great entertainment to watch an auction with two bidders who think they have to stay on top of the other. Gets scary after a while.

Making offers off eBay, or responding to those offers, is against eBay rules but most everyone I know has done it. I did it once but haven't really found the right situation since.
eBay is currently running an "Instant Win" contest where you receive one entry for each bid you place, up to four bids per day maximum. This could explain four consecutive small-increment bids in the same day for one item by the same bidder.
My spam went up a little when I joined eBay four years ago, but I take it in stride. eBay's been one of the best things for me. I get hard to find, cheap electronics, saws, and cameras, plus I make $800 a month re-eBay-ing that same stuff. Great fun.

I agree. I b""ch about ebay fees and ebay sellers but as soon as I turn on the computer that is where I go. Late at night after surfing ebay I come here. I have also sold many items at excellent prices on ebay. It seems now many people have caught on to some of my honest techniques and are exploiting them. I will contine to try to be an honest seller and a numerous bidder. I had a guy email some into about a saw I had obviously bid on. He did not include a desc or a auction #. I emailed back that I will bid on 30-50 items a night most being saws and saw related items so i had no idea what saw he was talking about. His reply indicated he did not believe me.


SPAM sucks, don't it? Funny thing though, spammers rarely bother .org domains. And that's why I have the netree.org, as opposed to finding a .com. They also tend to stay away from .mil and .gov domains too.



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