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Finally something, I've been searching for remedies to the racing and not returning to idle after doing cuts with a CS-590. Same pop the choke quick and it settles down. Then bogs and stalls from idle when trying to throttle up, getting harder to start. Though popping choke out and in will raise rpm's slightly and allow to rev up with throttle. Did not try the switch to kill, will try that next time it races to see if similar issue to Richard Terry. I pulled spark plug and cleaned, will try replacing. Snugged down on the carb mounting screws thinking it might be air leak. Bought the saw last year and fell a couple trees. Just got in to bigger wood after tornado came through last week, and was loving the saw until these issues. Think I will check the coil mounting screws and gap as rmh3481 suggests. Think I may be taking it to dealer under warranty if not solved. But wanted to let Richard Terry know he's not the only one having the racing issue.
Finally something, I've been searching for remedies to the racing and not returning to idle after doing cuts with a CS-590. Same pop the choke quick and it settles down. Then bogs and stalls from idle when trying to throttle up, getting harder to start. Though popping choke out and in will raise rpm's slightly and allow to rev up with throttle. Did not try the switch to kill, will try that next time it races to see if similar issue to Richard Terry. I pulled spark plug and cleaned, will try replacing. Snugged down on the carb mounting screws thinking it might be air leak. Bought the saw last year and fell a couple trees. Just got in to bigger wood after tornado came through last week, and was loving the saw until these issues. Think I will check the coil mounting screws and gap as rmh3481 suggests. Think I may be taking it to dealer under warranty if not solved. But wanted to let Richard Terry know he's not the only one having the racing issue.
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Finally something, I've been searching for remedies to the racing and not returning to idle after doing cuts with a CS-590. Same pop the choke quick and it settles down. Then bogs and stalls from idle when trying to throttle up, getting harder to start. Though popping choke out and in will raise rpm's slightly and allow to rev up with throttle. Did not try the switch to kill, will try that next time it races to see if similar issue to Richard Terry. I pulled spark plug and cleaned, will try replacing. Snugged down on the carb mounting screws thinking it might be air leak. Bought the saw last year and fell a couple trees. Just got in to bigger wood after tornado came through last week, and was loving the saw until these issues. Think I will check the coil mounting screws and gap as rmh3481 suggests. Think I may be taking it to dealer under warranty if not solved. But wanted to let Richard Terry know he's not the only one having the racing issue.
Sorry to hear that you are having the same problem. But hopefully we can both get it resolved. I have taken mine into the dealer, I haven't heard back from him yet once I do I will let you know what he says.
I got my saw back from the dealer, he told me that the fuel filter had fallen out and that the carb screen had become plugged. He's cleaned it out and reconnected the fuel filter. Apparently it all runs well now but I haven't had an opportunity to test that, hopefully that will happen this week.

I feel a bit dumb not checking the fuel filter at all but I had changed it relatively recently and the symptoms seemed to match what was happening previously.

I am still unsure why the kill switch wasn't working when it was revving up high, that part is puzzling to me. But hopefully this is really all resolved now.
I got my saw back from the dealer, he told me that the fuel filter had fallen out and that the carb screen had become plugged. He's cleaned it out and reconnected the fuel filter. Apparently it all runs well now but I haven't had an opportunity to test that, hopefully that will happen this week.

I feel a bit dumb not checking the fuel filter at all but I had changed it relatively recently and the symptoms seemed to match what was happening previously.

I am still unsure why the kill switch wasn't working when it was revving up high, that part is puzzling to me. But hopefully this is really all resolved now.
Richard hope you might see this. I'm having same problem w my 590. Only had it 2 months. It's brand new. Same situation w the reving and kill switch not killing it. Did you ever get that issue figured out? Thank you
Hi all,

I have an Echo CS-590, it's about 3 years old, lately I have found that when the engine is warm it doesn't idle properly. What happens is when I release the trigger the RPM drops and it goes to idle then the RPM picks up again and the chain starts to move. When this happens the stop switch will not shut off the engine. I have found that pulling the choke in and out will bring it back down to an idle.

I don't have a lot of experience with engines, I did adjust the idle screw and it seemed to improve temporarily. After that I took it to a local dealer. He looked it over and recommended replacing the saw as the carb looked dirty and the carb is so expensive. That being said I don't think he cleaned the carb or attempted to adjust the High/Low screws.

I have now cleaned the carb (which didn't look dirty to me) and have the limiter caps off. I haven't put everything back together yet. But I am a little hesitant to tune the carb due to my inexperience and lack of a tachometer.

Should I attempt it? Is that even the likely problem?

Thanks for any help in advance.
Did you ever figure out the issue, mine is doing the same exact thing, found that if I put the chain on a log to stop the chain when it starts idling high the on/off switch works again
Berto, you posted to a thread that was from 2022. Best to start a new one.

But while we are on this topic, you cannot guess as to what to problem is. If the kill switch is not working it could be: 1.) the switch itself, 2.) the wire that routes from the switch to the coil, 3.) the coil, 4.) or the ground point that the switch connects to.

Some basic thoughts. I beleive echo uses some version of an SAI (slope advance ignition) coil. Maybe I am wrong and maybe it is just the 620P but anyways, depending on your carburetor tune, if your idle is just on the edge, your coil will "hunt" in and out of its timing advance curve, thus making the RPM unstabile at idle. Why your saw wont shut off when it is doing that is most likely a wire issue. Placing it into a log is flexing the engine on its anti-vibe mounts and essentially reconnecting the wire. Definatly worth inspecting further.

If your saw has not had service recently it is best to replace the plug with a locally sourced genuine NGK (not the counterfiet ones on scamazon) and replace the fuel filter. After which test for spark when the switch is on and then off.

Are you fairly decent with small engines? If so we can go further, if not, this is a good stopping point and you have replaced the common service items that the dealer would be replaceing anyways. Are you well versed in adjusting / tuning the carburetor?

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