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Want to Sell Echo CS500VL

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May 2, 2018
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I'm selling my Dad's Echo. It runs great even after sitting for years at a time, it feels like it has a ton of compression, it takes quite a lot to pull for a 50cc. He didn't even realize when he bought it it didn't have a chain brake. Comes with original 18" 3/8 bar, 3 loops of Oregon chain, and 2 brand new air filters. Everything else is original and as shown, no its not in the recall serial number range.

$150 + shipping





What was the recall about?

There is a recall on the 500VLs with a serial number below 23000, I think the recall started in 1984, and they still honor the recall today. I have had 3 of them, the most recent one about 6 months ago. You can take them to the dealer complete, running, not running, box of parts, whatever, the dealer sends it to Echo, they verify the serial number. They send you a new saw, the last one I got was a CS450P. The recall involved flywheels that were prone to coming apart at RPM and a chance of operator injury.
I do. I was getting ready to fill the cylinder with fogging oil and wrap it in plastic to just keep in case the nukes dropped and blew out all the digital ignitions.