You are correct. At one time John Deere were rebadged Echos. That was during the horizontal cylinder days. Good saws! Now, I think they are Efco as you agreed. Olympic, Oleo-Mac, etc. were all decent saws. Dealerships are the issue. People tell me that John Deere carries most parts for their new Efco John Deere saws. I just stick with Stihl, Echo, and Husky. Certainly, I would not stick my nose up at an Emak product however. They certainly aren't "new kids on the block". Again, dealership is the issue, at least around here. It is easy to find Echo, Stihl, and Husky, Shindawa, etc. around here, but not many reputable John Deere dealers around here selling saws. Tractors, yes; saws, no.