Echo saw help

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ArboristSite Lurker
Dec 29, 2005
Reaction score
Southern MI
I'm thinking about buy a couple saws.
Has anyone had any trouble with Echo's CS-346 or CS-520?
My local dealer, seams to be cutting me a little break on them.

I have never used those models, but I use Echo chainsaws and use them hard and have no problem with them what-so-ever. The engines are bulletproof and the warranties are two years and lifetime on the ignition. I use the CS-300 and CS-670 and may add another 670 or 8000 at some point.
I been thinking about 670 to but the 8000 would be a major over kill for me as I only need them to cut down hardwoods, for home heating. and are largest trees arent more then 20" dia. at the very most.

I've also looked at some john deere models, they look like there made by Echo. They dont say anything about Kioritz engines and they claim to have different internal part's the Echo's, during there online comparsions.
John Deere are efco saws I think. They are made in Italy. Decent brand from what I hear, but I like Echo saws and they have been good workers for me. I usually fell trees with the Stihl MS-460 or the Echo CS-670. I buck-up my wood with a bow saw. I have a bow on a Super Wiz 66 and a bow on a Poulan 3700. If I am doing small jobs, I usually use a Homelite XL-12 with 16" b&c or a Homelite Super Mini VI. Both carry 16" b&c and cut very well. The CS-300 is for use around the house or small limbing jobs.
94TahoeLT said:
I'm thinking about buy a couple saws.
Has anyone had any trouble with Echo's CS-346 or CS-520?
My local dealer, seams to be cutting me a little break on them.
They make a good product.
superman_36 said:
i have the complete line and like all of them but the 670 is my fav
Have 3450, 5000 and 670. The 3450 is very light but runs and runs and cuts and cuts with surprising torque. It's my favorite cuz of weight and performance. The 670 only gets used on occasions when I need 24" bar, not often but when I need it starts easy and just rocks. The CS5000 is in between and does not get used like when it was my only saw...still love it tho
Guys, That makes my choice a Little easyer.
But I still have a couple more questons.
#1 Poulan has a durability of 50 hours-
Echo's are 300 hours-
What is Stihls rating?
and what Is Huskys rating?

last of all Can I chain the chain on the cs-346 To a 72
Or am I stuck with the weak stock chain.
94TahoeLT said:
Guys, That makes my choice a Little easyer.
But I still have a couple more questons.
#1 Poulan has a durability of 50 hours-
Echo's are 300 hours-
What is Stihls rating?
and what Is Huskys rating?

last of all Can I chain the chain on the cs-346 To a 72
Or am I stuck with the weak stock chain.

Those are emissions certification ratings, not durability ratings. They mean little to the durability or performance of the saw, only that it will still be EPA compliant to that many hours of operation.

As to a full size 3/8" chain on that saw, if you can find the parts to put it on, more power to you, but it will slow cutting down and reduce performance. I would not recommend it.
I have a 3450 for limbing and fence rows it's great very light powerful enough and reliable plus very easy to start. I have a stihl 025 also & it seems much more powerful even though it's also on the small side for folks round here. For light work you could do a lot worse.
Emak - John Deere

458_lott said:
John Deere are efco saws I think. They are made in Italy. Decent brand from what I hear, .....
They are usually reported to be decent, the only complaints that I have seen have been on the antivibe system and the external finish. :laugh:
The 62 cc version has a very good power to weight ratio, although probably not as good as they advertice, while the other sizes is more so-so.

Efco (former Olympyc), Oleo-Mac and at the time being also John Deere, have most of their models in common, but with different colors etc., and they are all italian made Emak saws.
Dynamac is also an Emak brand, but as I recall they do not have the same model line-up.

I think I have read that John Deere some time in the past were rebadged Echos, but I am far from sure about that.

You are correct. At one time John Deere were rebadged Echos. That was during the horizontal cylinder days. Good saws! Now, I think they are Efco as you agreed. Olympic, Oleo-Mac, etc. were all decent saws. Dealerships are the issue. People tell me that John Deere carries most parts for their new Efco John Deere saws. I just stick with Stihl, Echo, and Husky. Certainly, I would not stick my nose up at an Emak product however. They certainly aren't "new kids on the block". Again, dealership is the issue, at least around here. It is easy to find Echo, Stihl, and Husky, Shindawa, etc. around here, but not many reputable John Deere dealers around here selling saws. Tractors, yes; saws, no.
Mike Maas said:
You don't say what you are doing with the saws, I assume cutting wood, but commecial or homeowner type work?

I am a Homeowner!
I cut a lot of wood as my 3200sqft home is heated with a wood broiler. And family and friends take wood from me all summer for camping. Which I don't mind, But It does add up.
i would say the echo is good bang for the buck. i also like the efco.
altho repair work is harder to find. ive never understood why they arnt
handled by more dealers.the deere dealers around here dont even look at saws.
so echo or efco are good ,if u can find dealer support for the efco.good luck
Took on the Echo line several years ago and I like them I have a 670 personally and think it is a good all around saw they don't move as good for me as Husqvarna or Stihl brands do but they are the best bang for the buck in my opinion for what ever that's worth. I just got a near new condition Echo CS-8000 traded in, the original owner wanted a Husky 3120 for is new portable mill because he did not want to push his Echo to that extent... So I will be listing his old CS-8000 on eBay in the next few days.
My wife's brother in law is an Efco dealer. Good saws. A little on the small side to cure pe nice envy though.


94TahoeLT said:
I am a Homeowner!
I cut a lot of wood as my 3200sqft home is heated with a wood broiler. And family and friends take wood from me all summer for camping. Which I don't mind, But It does add up.
The Echos are perfectly suited for this type of use. I think Echos are real nice homeowner saws or low end pro saws.
If you have a few extra buck burning a hole in your pocket, you might take a look at Husky 336 and Stihl 361, better saws at higher price.