heres what ive heard. this is coming togather of several saw brands,,,
having been consolidated several times,,,as another buyout takes place.
olympyc is the name that is most prominent to my mind of these names...
olimpyc having a good name...
i heard that deere bought it all out
and was under the impression,, that thats what u were buying when u bought a deere saw.
i also know that deere bought homelite
and u still see homelites in hd, that seem to be just like a red version of the deere saw sold there. then i heard that deere sold homelite,but i know those same saws are still at hd[at last look]
ive used an 39cc olimpic and when sharp seemed to be a good saw . as to the high end saws ,ill let somebody with time in using them ,give solid info on that. please tolerate my experiments with the word olympyk. i tried everything i could and none of it looked rite.