I understand that swage terminations are acceptable in the A300 Part 3 standards now. However, the actual swage is not defined as to type or material. Tom Smiley had an excellent article on strength tests of termination type in the AUF March 2011 issue. In that article, he demonstrated that a cable terminated with two aluminum swags and a fender washer is just as strong as a dead end grip with wire thimble on a eye bolt.
A swage terminated cable seems like the easiest system from an installation labor standpoint.
There are aluminum, copper, zinc coated copper, and stainless steel swages. Does anybody have any experience with these and can comment on their use?
A swage terminated cable seems like the easiest system from an installation labor standpoint.
There are aluminum, copper, zinc coated copper, and stainless steel swages. Does anybody have any experience with these and can comment on their use?