EPA Phase II OWB owners-info/reviews wanted

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Aug 20, 2010
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albion, in
I am currently researching/pricing an OWB and was looking for some input. I have read through numerous posts and sites and wanted some more specific information than I have been able to find elsewhere and I trust the members here. I would like to purchase a unit locally, and it has to be a Phase II approved OWB per Indiana regulations.

There are 3 brands that are carried locally:
ProFab model: Empyre Pro Series 200
Central Boiler model: E-Classic 1400
Hawken Energy model: GX-10

Heres the specs on my home:
1990 manufactured ranch on crawlspace (2ft-4ft high)
9ft vaulted ceilings
forced air downdraft furnave(used for air movement and central air only-not heat). Am hoping to replace furnace with air handler in crawlspace for boiler heat exchanger and a/c coil.
freestanding woodstove.
poor insulation and windows (working on it:bang:)

Here are my questions:
What model and why did you chose it?(If in northeast Indiana-what dealer?)
Customer Service rating?
Cost of install?(If you dont mind sharing)
DIY install or Professionally done?
How long have you owned it?
How is being used for: (heat only, heat and DHW, etc.)
What type of heating system?(forced air, radiant, etc)
How large an area are you heating?
How far away from your home is the unit?
Have you had any warranty service done? How was it handled, and how quickly?
Wood use for avg winter?(I know this will vary depending on area and weather, just getting and idea. Currently using about 2-3 cord with stove)
Any other info or experiences.

I have read that I should have a heat loss assessment done and the size a boiler system accordingly. The specifications that I have read on the afformentioned models state that the minimum sq ft they are able to heat is 2000 sq. ft. With the footage of my home being less than that I was only researching the smaller units. Should I have an assessment done still or will these small models be capable?

I am mainly interested in the 3 models I listed before, but will gladly here information on any other Phase II boiler.

Thanks in advance and sorry for the long post, I was trying to be specific as possible.
Check out the Boiler Room at Hearth.com The Boiler Room - Wood Boilers and Furnaces | Hearth.com Forums Home there is a lot of good info there about boilers and the install and there are a few people using EPA OWBs.

Warning I am no expert! I am in the process of installing a Boiler myself (an old/new Tarm) and I can tell you there is a lot you need to learn about HVAC in order to do things right. If you are not planning on installing it this year you can sort of do your own heat cals by simply comparing how much fuel you burn on a given hour on a cold day (or over a few hour sample to be more accurate, and best to do it on the coldest day possible to know exactly what you need). But by what you said above you are only burning 2-3 cords a winter? Doesn't seem like you have a very big heat load.

Outdoor boilers are not cheap (guessing $9,000-12,000 for the small ones), then you add in underground lines ($12 - $18 a foot) a water to air heat exchanger (no idea on those) misc plumbing parts and installation costs and things start to add up quick. I'm not trying to discourage you by any means just give you an idea of what it will cost (I like to have it all planned out and then add at least 10% more before i spend my first dollar).
I can't personally coment on phaseII OWB, but from what i have read CB and Portage and Maine Customers seem to be very happy. I believe both units are decent quality and have progress through the growing pains onf the phase II complient learning curve. No matter what brand you go with, make sure u have dry wood. seems like this would take care of alot of the issues.

From a very happy CB6048 owner

Search works good.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

I know, I have used it extensively.
I am seeking more up to date and specific information that I havent been able to find elsewhere.

From what I have read, most owners are happy with which brand they chose. I am just looking for recent reviews and experiences as most the info I have found is close to a year old.
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Eclassic 2300 here now for 3 1/2 years. Had some parts fail and the company sent out new parts with better design for NO charge. I've been a HVAC guy since 1990 and thats a good warranty for a furnace company no matter whaT SOME PEOPLE THINK:laugh:.Mine heats over 2200 sqare foot house,dhw, garage , Hot tub in the winter and also a 155000 heat exchanger for the pool in summer when it needs it. I also considered Empyre but the 200 was to small for me & didn't like the horazontal tubes for the secondary heat exchanger(to much like cleaning oi furnace:msp_cursing:).I would consider all options again when the time comes-I'm not that loyal. These units work great with DRY wood. If you compare them to an old style outdoor boiler you may not be happy. I had the joy of using an underpowered POS indoor EPA stove for the first year so for me, E-classic was a huge improvement in heating with little work. In short, it gives me wood;)
As far as the parts for the eclassic, do they have to be from cb or can you find replacements elsewhere. I have read that the empyre components can be picked up at hardware stores. How long did it take to get the parts? Did you call the factory or go through the dealer for them?
Voids the warranty

My buddies CB sprung a leak. CB said it'll be a few months until it can be serviced. In the meantime it's 20 below.

He tore into it himself and fixed it. Lost the warranty.

Ill never buy a CB.
Main loading door warped & broke mounting bolt-sent me complete new door with extra heat sheild. Fusion combuster cracked-sent new designed model. All happened @ end of first year with 0 issues since. CB also sent out new poker and cleaning bar,new instruction manual better explaining operation and a thermostatic housing to recirculate water to stove if water temp drops below ideal Gasification temp. Like I said, as a heating man I see lots of companies screw people over warrantys. I personally have had great service and would buy another.Uncle bought a regular Empyre and he to has been very happy:msp_wink:.
Thanks for the replies and info. From what i gather the cb and empyre and pretty much equal. Now ill just have to go look at them.

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