i have similar experience with the power lines as T82; but they do like the customer to call around here; and will not drop'em if the tree company isn't there at the specified day and time, they might even be early, and not wait around!
All the crane guys around here will demand a sign off on concrete for their cranes sitting on them. But as far as tree damage i see that as my problem.
One time we put logs on either side of a walk, layed a tree across the logs that kept the falling tree way off the walk, transfering the shock to the lawn thru the the logs running like RR rails on either side of the walk. The walk still broke, because one of the logs taking the impact of the tree was on a root that ran under the walk, when the tree hit the log, the force on the root ended up popping the root under the walk up, breaking the cement from the bottom up! Another time i was next to a water meter, had a 3-4' slanted stack of logs to lay the tree on, the tree slammed the stack and slid out away about 4' the stump end never came down, yet there was water everywhere. Luckily it broke on the city side, the ol'city codger said he'd seen this before, the pitching force of the tree pulls on the stump, if the roots grow around a pipe tightly, that force of the hinge ushering/braking the spar to the ground expresses it's force to the stump, though no crushing, impacting damage from tree falling! Was really scratching my head in each case, glad there happened to be seasoned pro's in other specialties around to lend me their experience on both items, or i prolly would never have figured those puaales out. We were responsible for both rather than customer, nice that the pipe broke on the city contract side of the meter though; one less worry.
My liability doesn't cover underground stuff, so i take the hint on that 'invisible' stuff, and rule that out of the deal, always ask where all such things are septic, gas lines, sprinklers etc. One time fell into a septic tank that the owner had forgot about, they had been switched over to city sewer for 20 years, husband had died etc. i kinda had to remain firm on that one as not my fault, almost wanted to ask for extra$ for the amount of time it took to get rear end of 1 ton out of septic tank (empty)! Tow, truck couldn't get back there, 4:1 off neighbors trees pulled by another truck. After emptying weight out of stuck truck and, loading that weight into pulling truck for weight to bite into the soft ground for more bite as we releived wieght from stuck one!